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  1. Eohippus

    Looking for certain type of lead line for show halters..

    When it comes to leads I can't stress how much I love betathane. Like the biothane its very durable and easy to clean, however, its not slippery and has a rough leather feel. Its extremely soft and flexible, I can wipe it clean with a baby wipe and have it dry in a second, and it stands up to a...
  2. Eohippus

    "Smokey" blacks...keeping them from "fading"

    I've been wondering the same thing. The Arizona sun is brutal to my smokey black. We joke that he becomes chocolate easter bunny colored. This past summer I started stalling him more. His mane was still pretty faded, however, his coat remained a really rich, deep black. I did recently clip him...
  3. Eohippus

    Is PayPal Safe?

    When I bought my stallion I used paypal for my down payment and first half-with the final half due (cashiers check/money order) a week before he was to be transported. There was a high fee for the seller, unfortunately, so I had to reimburse that fee. If I were to do it all over again I'd skip...
  4. Eohippus

    The Conformation Abomination Strikes Again!

    She's cute! I adore Connor, even if she's not an ideal example of the breed conformation wise, she's an ideal example as far as intelligence and being a horse to love on. I agree about the roman nose possibly being caused by teeth coming in an forming. I can't tell you how many times I looked...
  5. Eohippus

    Has any one every owned (or still own) sheep?

    Wow! Thank you! I wasn't expecting so much! I'm picking up two miniature cheviot ewes later today. I don't plan on breeding, they're just for fun pets and for fiber. Not to say I wouldn't mind having a fun lambs running around Is it only the green twin that contains the copper? I did read...
  6. Eohippus

    Open the AMHA Studbook to Hardship AMHR Horses

    I think its entirely possible. Probably, maybe not as much, but... Look at Buckeroo and how popular his foals are. Or any of the real popular stallions of any time. It is possible for the majority of the breed to focus on a handful of stallions and the genetic diversity of the breed dwindle...
  7. Eohippus

    Has any one every owned (or still own) sheep?

    Thank you for the help I've received so far! The girls have settled in quite nicely. One is 8 years old, soon to be 9, and the other is around 5 or so. They haven't been handled much so they're kind of wild (getting them from trailer to pen was quite the sight!). The horses aren't sure what to...
  8. Eohippus


    People actually do that? It doesn't make sense to me. If the smaller doppelganger horse is the one people are seeing, liking the look and conformation of, and is winning... Why not just breed and promote that one? If the doppelganger isn't actually showing, just being presented for measuring...
  9. Eohippus

    Open the AMHA Studbook to Hardship AMHR Horses

    Not every one sees ASPC ponies as an improvement to the breed; in this topic alone there was already a discussion on preferred head types. So to some the ponies may not be an improvement to the breed. However, I feel that there are ways around having ponies in AMHA, but having the books still...
  10. Eohippus

    Painting mini

    That is adorable! I love the painting that animals come up with. I tried this with my full size mare once. I think I was covered in more paint in the end!
  11. Eohippus

    Open the AMHA Studbook to Hardship AMHR Horses

    I agree with this 100% I can't wait for a dwarf gene test o become available
  12. Eohippus

    Clipping Before and After

    Just did my little 25.5" stallion! Before Starting Head/Neck. I think they look so silly like this Finally, a little horse-no more yak!!
  13. Eohippus

    Getting to Know Everyone

    Hi and welcome to the forum! If you have any questions they'll certainly have answers here! Do you clip in the spring or let your minis shed out naturally? I'd love to see a short coat/summer coat picture of your stallion. There's always so much change between a winter yak and a clipped/summer...
  14. Eohippus


    Do you have an hoof trimmings saved? It seems like a weird thing in a way to keep but I actually have some of my horses. My Mom even has one of her heart-horse that passed last year. There's a company that will turn them into gemstones for you then into bracelets, rings, pendants, money clips...
  15. Eohippus


    STAR/Solheim's Tiny American Ranch [AZ] Forest something I think... I'll have to look and edit this post later, I can't remember exactly who I bought him from as it was at a local show and not his breeder. (HMS? Don't know what this stands for/can't find any info on them) [CA] Houck's A-1...
  16. Eohippus

    Open the AMHA Studbook to Hardship AMHR Horses

    I'm not that familiar with all of AMHR's rules, as I'm not as involved with AMHR as I am AMHA even though my horses are registered in it. But doesn't AMHR allow ASPC horses that meet the high qualifications to be registered as AMHR? So in theory you can have some shetlands that don't have the...
  17. Eohippus

    Is it clipping season yet?

    I'll actually be clipping next weekend. But then again, I don't have snow and its been in the 70s here. As much as I love the clipped looks I hate the initial clip, I always end up looking like a mini yak myself by the time I'm done, and so itchy! lol
  18. Eohippus

    Male Anatomy

    Yay! I remember the day I knew I had found two on Kinson. He had both present at birth but was an expert at hiding both, then always hiding one. I gave him time and he did fully drop. The Scott Creek article was the best piece of mind I had when worrying about him being a crypt. Come to think...
  19. Eohippus

    The muddiest I have seen him...hahaha

    Haha, that's great! I hope he had fun! Its going to be just awful cleaning him up. Or you can just say you have a really rare patchwork paint horse ;)
  20. Eohippus

    Kinson Plays Soccer

    He might learn to push it up any hills and such, so long as there's no cactus/sharp objects/etc that could pop the ball. You can always test it out with an exercise ball for people, they pop easier but are cheaper when finding out if your horse would play with it or if play is possible with how...