Okay, lol the title is meant to be humorous. I like to joke about this little filly to be honest.
The "Conformation Abomination" is my August 2010 filly Connor. I kind of joke about her conformation because it really is messed up, lol. Not too bad, but enough to notice it. This is the filly that *might* be a dwarf and might not be. I'm still out on the decision myself. I'll be clipping her in May and that's when I'll be making my decision. If she clips out nice then I will be sending in registration papers in. If she matures to be dwarfy (which DOES happen) then I will be pulling the papers.
I have two registration names and YES "Conformation Abomination" is one of them.
(Could you imagine hearing that name at a show? ROFL!) The other is "Lady Deception" because Connor is in fact a con artist. The latter is my first choice.
I clipped Connor's head yesterday. I attempted to clip her throat latch as well but because her neck is so short it ended up getting half of her neck. *head desk*
Oh my I LOVE this girl. Every time I clip her I find a new marking. Last fall I found out that she has white patterns on her stomach that reaches in between her front legs to her chest. Yesterday I found out that she has the same white markings underneath her jowls. She even has what appears to be a appaloosa spot RIGHT underneath her forlock. Its the cutest little thing. She also has appaloosa spots on her back that she's had since she was a newborn.
I really don't know what to think about the above pictures. I know how her conformation is underneath all that fur (cow hocks, long back, a hair butt high, and a short neck) but that HEAD. Last July she had the most adorable little face. All refined and pretty. Now? She has a roman nose? WTH? I know where she got it. Her dam.
See pretty head from June:
See her dam, Honey's, not so pretty head from August:
There's always something with this filly! I'm just too nit picky, huh?
But do you want to know why I love this filly so much? She's so freaking smart. So smart and she knows it. She would be a shoe-in for a halter obstacle or showmanship class.
I had my mom take a couple videos of her yesterday after her clip. We took some videos of her loading the trailer and going up and down steps.
Loading the Trailer:
Connor has no actual training with the trailer. One day I just walked her up to the trailer and she hopped on in. She will load the trailer with and without a halter on. She sees it as a game.
Going Up and Down Steps:
This is something we need to work on. She will literally jump the steps, which is something I don't want her to do. I am hoping to be able to get her to slow down and go up and down the steps.
I would love to be able to trick train her but I don't know where to look for info on that.
The "Conformation Abomination" is my August 2010 filly Connor. I kind of joke about her conformation because it really is messed up, lol. Not too bad, but enough to notice it. This is the filly that *might* be a dwarf and might not be. I'm still out on the decision myself. I'll be clipping her in May and that's when I'll be making my decision. If she clips out nice then I will be sending in registration papers in. If she matures to be dwarfy (which DOES happen) then I will be pulling the papers.
I have two registration names and YES "Conformation Abomination" is one of them.

I clipped Connor's head yesterday. I attempted to clip her throat latch as well but because her neck is so short it ended up getting half of her neck. *head desk*

Oh my I LOVE this girl. Every time I clip her I find a new marking. Last fall I found out that she has white patterns on her stomach that reaches in between her front legs to her chest. Yesterday I found out that she has the same white markings underneath her jowls. She even has what appears to be a appaloosa spot RIGHT underneath her forlock. Its the cutest little thing. She also has appaloosa spots on her back that she's had since she was a newborn.
I really don't know what to think about the above pictures. I know how her conformation is underneath all that fur (cow hocks, long back, a hair butt high, and a short neck) but that HEAD. Last July she had the most adorable little face. All refined and pretty. Now? She has a roman nose? WTH? I know where she got it. Her dam.
See pretty head from June:

See her dam, Honey's, not so pretty head from August:

There's always something with this filly! I'm just too nit picky, huh?
But do you want to know why I love this filly so much? She's so freaking smart. So smart and she knows it. She would be a shoe-in for a halter obstacle or showmanship class.
I had my mom take a couple videos of her yesterday after her clip. We took some videos of her loading the trailer and going up and down steps.
Loading the Trailer:
Connor has no actual training with the trailer. One day I just walked her up to the trailer and she hopped on in. She will load the trailer with and without a halter on. She sees it as a game.
Going Up and Down Steps:
This is something we need to work on. She will literally jump the steps, which is something I don't want her to do. I am hoping to be able to get her to slow down and go up and down the steps.
I would love to be able to trick train her but I don't know where to look for info on that.