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  1. Eohippus

    for those of you who trim your minis feet

    We use a full size rasp and haven't had problems with it. It can take a little bit to get used to and feel fully comfortable using that size on the little guys though, but once you're past that you wont ever want another 10"
  2. Eohippus

    Tri colored bay pinto = Bay Pinto

    You're kidding, right?!! Did they tell you what price you should be asking for your puppies? How funny people are!!
  3. Eohippus

    Tri colored bay pinto = Bay Pinto

    I think the term "tricolored pinto" is a little silly because we all know it just means a bay pinto. "Tricolored" just makes it seem fancier imo. The terms are interchangeable though because its true; a bay pinto has three colors: brown, black, and white! People can be so silly sometimes in what...
  4. Eohippus

    What should i expect?

    Right now its mid 70s to low 80s, night being mid 40s to low 50s. They're calling for rain next week (that always happens when the arabian show comes to town!) but after that it looks to be all sun. I'd pack short sleeved shirts and shorts, its going to be beautiful around the beginning of march
  5. Eohippus

    Look what the new mare was hiding!

    Thank you every one for all the compliments! She's our little princess around here and she knows it haha Yay, more roan fans!! Its not a very common color but I just love the way it looks. I've always wanted a nice blue roan, with a dark dark dark face/legs and a very ticked out/roaned body...
  6. Eohippus

    My first mini horses are finally here :)

    They're absolutely adorable! Glad they made it safe. I LOVE the pictures of Batman and the ball, I wish one of mine would play like that!! Congrats! I'll agree with every one else, two simply isn't enough ;)
  7. Eohippus

    When Is A Miniature Horse A Pony

    Agreed. I think these two posts pretty much sum up what I try to explain to people and what I feel, especially about the registry (even if its not "closed"). You can't argue with genetics and the point about an unregistered QH being a grade horse is very true. Even if its background is papered...
  8. Eohippus

    Pidgeon toed.

    Honestly your best bet is to find a farrier who specializes or at least know a great deal about corrective trimming. We had one come out and help us with a mini who has a very slight clubfoot due to previous neglect on his hooves. Now you'd never know he'd ever had a problem. The legs/hooves are...
  9. Eohippus

    Look what the new mare was hiding!

    Back in October my partner added a mare to our little herd, Sparkle Plenty Supreme Misty Morn, aka "Missy". She's a silver bay roan, two colors that I'm absolutely in love with (though I know neither were very desired in the "what color don't you want in your breeding program" topic). She was a...
  10. Eohippus

    O So and Pippin Playing

    They're so cute together!!! I lover the way Pippin's colors look when he rears and you see his belly. He's such a complementary color to O So too! It always worries me when my boys play like that too but it does make for some really awesome pictures
  11. Eohippus

    Human Cheese...

    Kind of weird but at the same time I'm intrigued? Well, actually, more so baffled that they're serious about this lol I guess I can see their point? Sorta? But I've heard horse milk and camel milk are the healthiest for any baby/person but... You don't see me out there milking Missy! There's...
  12. Eohippus

    Pros and Cons of second horse size

    I want to vote but.... Are you wanting to drive each one separately? Then size doesn't matter. However, if you ever want to do a team... Then same size. If you're unsure I'd personally go with same size, as since you do want to focus on driving eventually you'll mostly likely want to drive a...
  13. Eohippus

    My Heart Won!

    I agree with that he's probably a pangare bay (commonly known as "mealy bay"). I've seen several and he shows all the signs of it. Does he have dilute/cream in his lines anywhere? He is such a cutie though!!! I'm jealous!! Tiny and perfect, just right for O So! I can't wait to see them both...
  14. Eohippus

    Hi, From Colorado! New to forum and miniature horses :)

    Welcome from sunny (but not so warm right now) Arizona! You've come to the right place for all your questions. Every one may have a different answer but over all thats a good thing because you can use a combination or pick and choose which to do, but in the end you wind up learning so much. I...
  15. Eohippus

    Do you think folks are spending less time here now?

    I've noticed that too. For me its show season so there's a big lack of time. Sometimes I'm browsing from on my phone too so I make note to come back and reply to a topic when I get on my computer again but then I forget. I do miss all the activity though! It was my excuse for not writing lesson...
  16. Eohippus

    Starving Bison

    BLM is money based so you're very correct in the mustangs vs cattle logic. But there's so many sides, angles, and approaches to that mess that I really don't want to touch it! Though I do love my 'stangs more than any other breed of biggie. They're just the best trail horses with the most level...
  17. Eohippus

    Exotic pets

    They bond better if kept in pairs (it goes against normal logic but its true!). Those single gliders never really adjust well since they don't have a buddy. I've only ever seen one glider who was far happier on their own than with another one. My female warmed up to me instantly and my male took...
  18. Eohippus

    Exotic pets

    I've helped bottle raise wallabies when my Mom worked as an accountant for a hotel chain and one of her coworkers raised them. It was a lot of fun. I was going to buy one but I ended up getting Kinson instead and although he tries my patience sometimes (but that's what all little boys do...
  19. Eohippus

    Got Ducks???

    I think Mazuri makes duck pellets. Actually I'm like 95% sure they do and its called "waterfowl" something or another. There's other companies that make similar products. From what I understand about the pelleted fowl feeds is they're a complete formula. Thats what I know at least from...
  20. Eohippus

    Our first 2011 foal is here!

    You have so many cuties born up there! One of these days you're going to walk out and find me loading them all up in my trailer!