for those of you who trim your minis feet

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Shelley, ID USA
so i had a great supplier for my rasps, only to find out that when i went to have him ship me some, the place he got them from n longer makes them. i am having a heck of a time finding many 10 inch rasps... for the price i got them for. im worried about spending 30-40 dollars for one rasp if its not going to last long. i trim approx 20 minis every 6-8 weeks. i was using the simmonds lil hoof rasp..

question of the day. where do you get your rasps for an affordable price and how long do they last?

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While its not a 10" rasp, I recently bought a Heller Red Tang rasp, and its great (its also what my farrier uses and recommends). The price is reasonable and they last pretty good. Check with Heller and see if they have a 10" rasp.
I asked for these for Christmas and my parents bought me two because our local leather and farriery-goods shop said suppliers will no longer be making 10" rasps because there isn't enough demand for them.
I'm not fond of the feel of the ones I got though so I went out and purchased another of the longer model my farrier uses and its length no longer bothers me. The other two are still sitting around in their box and will probably never be used.

We use a full size rasp and haven't had problems with it. It can take a little bit to get used to and feel fully comfortable using that size on the little guys though, but once you're past that you wont ever want another 10"
I buy the full size rasps, and pay $40 or so for each of mine. I once bought the cheaper version, which was, I think, $20 or $25 at the time. It was a heavy, clumsy thing so I took it back & got the $40 one. They last for a very long time. I trim 35-40 horses on a regular basis so my rasp gets a lot of use, and I replace it every 2 or 3 years.
UGH, I am too distracted with the fact that you trim over 20 little horses!!! I trim my own TWO and its all I care to do LOL I bought my very nice equipment at a ranch store and I have no idea what brand they are but sure are nice.
Would something like this work? My linkIve seen them advertised in Horse Illustrated numerous times and they look like their pretty comfortable to grasp and they seem pretty small which I imagine would work well for minis feet.

Best of luck in your search!

so i had a great supplier for my rasps, only to find out that when i went to have him ship me some, the place he got them from n longer makes them. i am having a heck of a time finding many 10 inch rasps... for the price i got them for. im worried about spending 30-40 dollars for one rasp if its not going to last long. i trim approx 20 minis every 6-8 weeks. i was using the simmonds lil hoof rasp..

question of the day. where do you get your rasps for an affordable price and how long do they last?

I do my own minis feet but I use an electric grinder. It is SO fast, and once they get used to it after the first time it's a cinch! I think I paid $50 for the grinder and the flaps are really cheap. I can get four or five horses done with one flap.
UGH, I am too distracted with the fact that you trim over 20 little horses!!! I trim my own TWO and its all I care to do LOL I bought my very nice equipment at a ranch store and I have no idea what brand they are but sure are nice.

LOL yeah i own 20 and trim them on my own... also trim some for friends :p

thanks guys ill look around and see what i can find... may have to try a big one
I do my own minis feet but I use an electric grinder. It is SO fast, and once they get used to it after the first time it's a cinch! I think I paid $50 for the grinder and the flaps are really cheap. I can get four or five horses done with one flap.
I am very interested in using a grinder, what size/brand did you buy and what are flaps? My next purchase will be a mini hoof stand, that would really make my job easier.
The Rider's Rasp that was referred to is great if you have a small chip or just want a touch up, its not designed to be used in the way a true rasp is designed one my mini clients has one. They are comfy to hold and work great for touching up the edges and can put a nice roll on the edge.

I got my simonds blackmaster rasp at Centaur Forge several years ago... it is still doing very well, though needs to be replaced soon.

It is a 14" and I am small 5'4" small build, it is very comfortable for me.

I have 20 miniatures and have been trimming most of them myself, though sometimes I have my farrier help me catch up.

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