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  1. D.M. Minis

    Congratulations to the DM Horses

    Thank you to all. We realy like the showing and meeting all of you at the showes.
  2. D.M. Minis

    Congratulations to the DM Horses

    Thank you to all I realy injoyed meeting everyone at nationals. I glad that ower horses were liked. I would like to meet more of you. Im going down to RENO so if you see me stop me and say HI.
  3. D.M. Minis

    Home from Nationals and a HUGE THANK YOU TO

    I hope you have as much fun as I did with her. I cannt wait to see you two driving her in the winner spot. She is always ready to please you just let her know what you want her to do for you.
  4. D.M. Minis

    D.M. Miniature Sale Forum Family Pictures

    Ya you picked the best one on the sale (ROCKEN ROBIN) I bought him to drive in a few years. This one will make you look again. I also bought the #30 bl;ack and white mare.
  5. D.M. Minis

    Mouse and his (my) adventures in harness training

    If you are wantint to show him I would not put a breeching on him because they are not used to show in. If you put shaft stopes on you cart and push the cart ahead alittle so the part your shafts go thew are pushed ahead alittle. Then hook your tughs tight this will keep your cart were it needs...
  6. D.M. Minis

    My First-Ever Post

    Hi wecome Gald you see it like I do. were are you from. Im here I Nebaska. I hope to here more fron you. :aktion033:
  7. D.M. Minis

    Who Will I meet Sunday?

    :no: NOT
  8. D.M. Minis

    AMHR Stallion to Gelding Registration

    Yes you need to send both and the fee. That sould do it.
  9. D.M. Minis

    Who Will I meet Sunday?

    Trailer ooooooooooo ya : you know what happrn last year when you were not going to buy. :bgrin
  10. D.M. Minis

    So, so, SO excited about Nationals,,,,,

    Hi Im really wanting to meet some of you there to we leve Fri it about 8 hour drive fo us. I will have to look you up down there. tell nationals L B freind Russ
  11. D.M. Minis

    Who Will I meet Sunday?

    I can find 1 of those to a try colored overo gelding
  12. D.M. Minis

    Who Will I meet Sunday?

    I will be there I think we will be able to find you somthing altho it sounds like we donnt know what we ar doing. :lol:
  13. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

  14. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    Yes I went and read it now I know she donnt know as much as she thinks.1) the horse is standing up hill with someone in the cart. that explanes the breast coller. 2) the back pad is 2 to 3 inches of the withers of the horse. 3) the over chech is a side chech that is not even hooked that is a...
  15. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    So tell me just what is so wrong with the harness I would love tp know. You most know the horse is standing up hill in the pic.
  16. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    I would like to know how many minis you have started and put in th HOF. Ialso would like to know how you can comment on a pic when you can not see how the ground is that he is on. I also want to know what is wrong with the harness when you can not se the ground he stants on. If your that (GOOD)...
  17. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    Well as I stated this was taken the 2nd time he was hooked and I donnt know what you see wrong with the harness. I see ALOT of horses showen that DONNT have as good of head set on a loos chech as he dose. But thanks anyhow
  18. D.M. Minis


    The pic of my new one is on the frist post (NEW DRIVING HORSE) the other Russ posted it there for me.
  19. D.M. Minis

    New driving horse

    Im still trying to get one posted but not having any luck