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  1. Anne ABC


    :aktion033: We are going, really sounds like it is going to be a FUN show for sure! Can't wait to see who the live entertainer is : :
  2. Anne ABC

    Buying Video Camera

    Hi Kim, thanks for the reply. Is there a number or anything or do I just look for a Sony Handycam?
  3. Anne ABC

    Buying Video Camera

    Been putting off buying a camcorder because I know nothing about them and hate to spend big bucks on one and then find out it doesn't do well for the horses. Or worse that it is so complicated I can't figure out how to enjoy it. Been searching the internet and seems the ones that record...
  4. Anne ABC

    AOTE Survey

    O.K. I added my comments. I agree AOTE should be for Amateur owners, trainers and exhibitors! If you have your horse pro groomed, hauled and trained where is the pride in winning???? :aktion033:
  5. Anne ABC

    Little Bit Of Heavens First Foal

    Hi Denise, I believe he is black, like someone else said he may spot out later in life. Whatever the color he sure is a nice one!
  6. Anne ABC

    Miniature Horse Sales

    The Southern Miniature Horse Confederation has a great sale coming up on June 9, 2007 in Philadelphia, Mississippi. This sale always has quality miniatures mostly mares, mares with foals at their sides, and fillies. Stallions and colts are limited to 25% or less. Consignment forms are available...
  7. Anne ABC

    Lost another foal 3rd in a row what could I have done

    I to am very sorry to hear of your and your mares heartache and the loss of that precious foal. May I ask if your other 3 mares have delivered their foals and if they had any problems delivering? What you discribe sounds so very reminiscent of a brood mare on fescue pasture. When we were...
  8. Anne ABC

    Another New Foal

    :aktion033: She is beautiful Belinda, congrats on that new boy too!
  9. Anne ABC

    Record keeping

    I use Excel to make a chart in the left column I list all the horses and across the top I list the treatments I might perform during a given period. I keep this in the barn and mark each worming, vaccine, breeding, foaling, etc. as it happens daily. Once every month or two when it starts looking...
  10. Anne ABC

    First foal of the year for Redrock

    Congrats, Becky!! She is beautiful!!
  11. Anne ABC

    What color do you think this mare is new photos?

    I have two mares the same color and AMHA says they are dun pinto.
  12. Anne ABC

    TN Miniature Horse Celebration--Who's Going?

    Hi Denise, We are planning on coming. We had hoped to bring our two Little King horses to Tunica and to your show, but, we haven't been able to get their registeration papers from Little King, so don't guess we will be able to show them this year at all. Really disappointing after all the...
  13. Anne ABC

    Color Experts-

    Thanks, I appreciate your help. I just couldn't decide
  14. Anne ABC

    Color Experts-

    Have a foal need some color advice on him. My first thoughts are that he will turn black, now am thinking maybe not? He is from a mare registered grulla, her pedigree says she is from a black mare and NFC Peppy Boy is her sire, he was grey, she does have a lineback. His sire is a palomino from...
  15. Anne ABC

    Looks like yesterday was a busy day for forum babies...

    Oh Erica, she is a beauty! Mom is really nice, too. Congratulations! :aktion033: :aktion033:
  16. Anne ABC

    Goodby to a Grand Old Girl Wheeler's Diamond Minx

    Oh my Sandy. So sorry to hear of your loss. We own a son of her's, Mini Bits Diamonds Blaze, a 1993 foal by NFC Rowdy Eclipse. Blaze has been one of our main herd sires for about 5 years now and he is a wonderful little horse, all 28.25" of him. He produces small, refined babies. I will be...
  17. Anne ABC

    Abscesses on fillies neck...4 GRAPHIC pictures

    Nikki, I am in no way a medical person, but, may I suggest that you might look at giving her some Probiotics orally. It comes in a tube, simuilar to wormer and you just squirt it in the mouth. When they (or you) are on antibiotics they kill the good bacteria as well as the bad, the probiotics...
  18. Anne ABC

    Miniature Horse Clubs

    Our club is from way down south. We are the Southern Miniature Horse Confederation