What color do you think this mare is new photos?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2006
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brandon, ms

It was to cold to wash this mare all the way, but we wash her tail and legs to get a better look at her color. I notice black in her forelock areas in the front legs. I also notice she has a little dark hairs in her tail as well.

I will try to wash her whole body soon. Here are some photos. I notice when we wash her tail it is a very pretty snowy white and cream color.Thanks to all those guess her color.Those look look at these photos what would you test her for now.I know when she is all wash up we will know more, but these photos are alot better then before.





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I didn't see the old pictures... but she looks like a very dark silver dapple (silver black). My friend has a very dark silver dapple like that, but not pinto.

I think the dark hairs near her feet and in her tail are just her markings from being a pinto.

She is definately a silver. I would say silver bay. And I agree with Andrea that the color in her tail and on her legs are just markings from being pinto.
This mare at birth was black and white pinto per the previous owners. She looks alot like a smokey black or something. Jill said in the eariler posted about black points it the forelock areas.

This mare per the original owners said the dam was black(papers say bay) and the sire was a tri-colored roan(papers say sorrel and white, but she send me photos of him he does look roan in color). I would like to know why you all think she is bay, her mail and tail does not have black hair in general like our bays.


old photos of this mare.




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I have two mares the same color and AMHA says they are dun pinto.

would you post the two mares, so i could see them

thanks alot,

ps so you all know she is in foal for this summer is why she is so fat.
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Lots of times, silver dapples look black or smokey grey when they are born, thus why the original breeder probably put black pinto. Silvers also tend to change colors with the season and get lighter and darker as they shed hair.

She does not look bay to me, at the most she is silver bay. You could test her for silver and agouti if you absolutely must know what color she is.

She is not a dun because the small patch of grey across her back does not show any sign of a dorsal stripe, which would be prominent if she was a silver dun of some sort.

I think the roaning, because it is on one hip and not the other, is SABINO ROANING. My stallion (in my avatar) has that exact same sabino roaning.

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enlarge so maybe you could see better.this mare will be 7 yrs old in may, if that helps.What color would she produce with the 2007 foal breed to a grey stud(she was breed when we got her). We want to breed her to our bay and white both blue eyes pinto stud on my avator(we have already tested him for the lwo gene,he is neg for it.)This mare has two blue eyes as well.



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I would guess her base color is silver bay. When my silver bay pinto was bred to a gray, we got a solid silver dapple.
It sounds like the color of her parents is less than certain. If you are really wanting to know what color she is, I would suggest getting her tested for agouti (that's the gene that makes bay for anyone who doesn't know), silver, and cream. I still think she may be a silver smoky black as cream seems to limit somewhat the diluting power of silver especially on manes and tails. As far as pattern, I definitely see tobiano, probably sabino, plus frame and/or splash. You can get her tested for tobaino, sabino-1, and frame too if you want to know for sure about those 3 patterns.
I am almost certain this mare is a Smoky Black Sabino.

Test her - everything else is informed guess work, after all!
Thanks everyone.

My girls were guessing this mare color as well. The girls help wash her tail and legs, they wanted to post her on here so you all could guess.

I was thinking of testing her, but I am not sure which ones to test for first. My girls are dieing to know what color she is, but I don't want to spent alot of money testing everything.Which ones should we test first?

example smokey black or silver bay what would i check on the genetics form?I am learning the genetics stuff.

thanks again.
Makeing her white, cleaner isnt going to make a difference in what we think her color is.

I still think she is silver dapple.

You can test her for cream. That would let you know if she is smokey black. And I think you can test her for silver but not sure as I only test for pinto and LWO

we have only tested for homozgyous and lwo with our others horses as well. My girls are wanting to know is why we are thinking of testing her. The girls want to see who is right.plus if we know her color we will be able to guess more about what foals she will have.
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I would say silver dapple. Here are pictures of 2 mares that I used to own. The first is silver dapple and she is quite a bit lighter in her winter coat.


And this mare is silver bay and again, lighter but more brown in her winter coat.

I would test her for Silver & Creme to start. If she tests positive for creme...that tells you she "could" be a Smokey Black. If she tests positive for Silver...She could be a Smokey Silver Dapple (Smokey Silver-Black)....or just a dark Silver Dapple.

That's where I would start.

I'm fairly certain this mare will test positive for Silver....creme, remains to be seen.

Then, if you still aren't sure...you could test for agouti.

Sabino is not a color, and she she is visable showing the Sabino roaning...so, IMO, it's a waste of money to test for that. Besides, the Sabino test that is available only tests for the S-1 Sabino gene (the one that can cause Max White Sabinos)...and there are MULTIPLE Sabino genes. So, a horse can be an obvious Sabino & test negative for it. For example....Clydesdales have tested negative for that gene, and they obviously carry Sabino! (just not the gene they have a test for).
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