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  1. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    I am sooooo done with Target!

    Sorry, I should have been more clear. The first time I went, the problem was in a refridgerated section in the deli. The second mold problem in the pizza crust, was not in any refridgerated section, it was just a section on a regular shelf. The pizza crusts had one of those little paper...
  2. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    It's a barn! But......can you help us decide

    Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh Marty..................wanna come decorate my barn! It's an empty slate inside right now, you could do wonders with it! All that's in there for now is some steel panel pens.
  3. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    I am sooooo done with Target!

    Since we moved here, I'd been making the 35 minute weekly drive to Eau Claire to shop, because they have everything I need.........and one area. Target has everything I normally buy in one store, without having to go to a couple different stores to get what I need for groceries...
  4. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    It's a barn! But......can you help us decide

    Boy do I hear you sister! This has been 2 1/2 months to long for me! I have been going through a major hug withdrawl for weeks now. But, it has truly been a labor of love, and the pictures just don't show everything that went into this BIG project my hubby took on. Through the snow, wind...
  5. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    My hubby built a hay barn!

    I agree, your hubby is one talented man! It's gorgeous!
  6. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    It's a barn! But......can you help us decide

    Well, it's was just finished today, in time for the boys to come home tomorrow! All the outside trim and sofet work will be finished in spring, or as time allows. For now, we're going to concentrate on the inside. Dave ran out of white steel, so he used all green on one of the big...
  7. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Willow has been unwrapped!!

    Leonie, Wow, she's beautiful, and soooo shiney! Er.....great clip job !
  8. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Itching party :)

    What a great pic! I can't believe they paired up that way!
  9. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    When wild stallions attack!

    Oh Leia, that is so cute! Kody looks like he's really enjoying himself. How did you train him to do that?
  10. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    about losing my Dad

    Robin, I just read every word you posted from your nephew's blog, and I have to say, I can't believe it, but I'm sitting here with tears streaming. I know every bit of pain.......and love that this young man feels. I grew up as the daughter of a single mother, and we lived with my...
  11. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    My Dad passed away on New Years Day.

    Such beautiful words, for such a beautiful man. I am so sorry for your loss! Edited to add: The picture of your father on the foal page is priceless!
  12. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    i went to see dr. mink today

    Oh Charlene, that is very pretty! Much better than a Jrs. Cheesecake for good ol' Dr. Mink!
  13. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Diagnosis on G-Granddaughter Alana

    Oh Gini, I'm so sorry to hear this news! She is in my thoughts and prayers!
  14. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Nature Pics To Share

    Annette, You are very right, they are elegant to watch! And your place sounds just beautiful! I wish I had more time to watch them somedays, like today for example, we had snow.........big beautiful flakes, and they were here on and off all day. I could have spent the whole day just watching...
  15. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Winter Wonderland in our own backyard

    Oh, that is sooooooooooo pretty!
  16. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Nature Pics To Share

    Thank you everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
  17. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Nature Pics To Share

    That's Pesty, originally named Boots until we got to know him better and changed it to Pesty ! He's the silliest kitty! Some of you may remember, he's the kitty that had been dropped off in our yard back at our old house early January of this year. He found my husband in the barn one night...
  18. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Prayers needed for my G-Granddaughter Please!

    What a beautiful little girl she is Gini! She is in my prayers child should ever have to go through so much!
  19. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    ITS CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well, let's see, Santa was very good to me this year! Hubby bought me my Canon Rebel 300 that I've been wanting (used), and he also bought me the new cell phone I've been needing, and haven't had time to pick up. It was the cutest thing. My sister was handing out gifts, I was standing next to...