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  1. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Nature Pics To Share

    What a wonderful weekend we had this weekend! My whole family made it for our christmas celebration, and I was especially glad to see my brother and his fiance both make it (minus the dogs)! Dave and I worked so hard to get ready, my sister and her boyfriend came on friday night, everyone else...
  2. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    to my LB family

    Charlene, You my dear, are a sweet and very loving person! You are so admired by me and everyone else on this forum. Your strength is amazing, and I wish I had even half of that strength! This note from Gary's brother brought tears to my eyes, thank you for sharing, it was so very special...
  3. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    problems x2

    Tuffy knew you needed a smile! Good boy Tuffy!
  4. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    I don't know how else to say this

    Thank you Marty!
  5. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Easy Recipes / New Dinner Ideas

    Jill, I'm all about simple here to, being so busy, it has to be easy! Usually we just grill some grilled chicken breasts or something on the George Forman, and have some type of veggie, but hubby is still a meat and potatoes guy! So when he gets the urge to splurge for some good old fashioned...
  6. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Thank you Chanda!

    Thank you! The bench was one of my favorite new pieces that we bought when we moved! Hmmmmm............I don't think so! I like it to much already to part with it! Oh, I would love to meet Chanda, she's always so nice when we e-mail!
  7. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Thank you Chanda!

    This quilt was made for me by chandab. I saw another one she had made, and I really really liked the pattern. I asked if she could replicate that pattern, in colors that would match our new walls. I had just purchased a buggy bench that would go in our new home (this was before we moved), and...
  8. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    In case you need a chuckle today.

    I showed this to my hubby just now, and he laughed his butt off! He saw that they have a DVD of some of their songs, and made me order it for him right away! Should be fun to watch.
  9. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Remember when I asked for prayers for Dad

    Now that is priceless! Beautiful picture!
  10. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    A few more Corgi pictures

    Awweee Gini, she's adorable!
  11. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Lunch Time With A Few

    We had deer in our fence back at the old house too, never in our mini fence, just the 3 strand electric for the big horses. It was funny to watch them get confused on how to get out.......after they got in! :DOH! I've wondered if we'll have problems here with deer in the fence or not...
  12. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Barn Progress

    Thanks All! Can't wait for it to be done.......will definately post our progress! And OMG Mark, 10 below zero! It hasn't been that cold here thank goodness, and this week it's in the high 20's low 30's.
  13. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Lunch Time With A Few

    Thanks everyone! And OMG Jill, I never thought of that! Come on spring! What a treat that will be!
  14. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Lunch Time With A Few

    Just came up from my sewing room (it's in our finished basement) for lunch, to see one of my girls walking in. Usually we have a group of the group has doubled in size! There was 6 little doe out in our back yard this afternoon! One was a little to far to the...
  15. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Barn Progress

    He He He.........nope, I'm up to my ears in sewing orders! And besides.........someones gotta cook and bake for them big boys ! They tested every one of my christmas cookie and candy batches this weekend!
  16. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    Barn Progress

    Just wanted to post a current pic of our work in progress. My step-dad and brother were here again this past weekend to help hubby, they got the roof on, and the back of the barn steeled. It's going much slower than hoped, between the weather, and hubbies work schedule, it's just not done yet...
  17. Soggy Bottom Ranch

    gary's trees

    Wow Charlene, when we talked on the phone, you said you got hit with the ice, but I didn't realize you were hit that badly! I'm so sorry about your beatutiful trees! Oh lady, you truly inspire me! You are one amazing amazing woman! I am always here for you when you need to talk!
  18. Soggy Bottom Ranch


    K-9 Lodge is booked, so there goes that idea! Guess you'll have to do without your belly rub Marty!