You know you aren’t supposed to drive drunk. You also know that friends should not let friends drive drunk. But these words fall on deaf ears every day. It doesn’t pertain to you. You’re different. You can handle it. You think its fun to have a few innocent drinks that won’t impair your driving skills. Tell me, just which one of those drinks are going to be innocent? You do not have to be the life of the party by getting drunk. Oh, so you are only going to have a couple of drinks and it won’t affect your driving. Want to bet? You’ve done it before and nothing ever happened so why would this year be different? Do you really want to try and see if you are right again? You don't think anything can happen to you? This kind of stuff only happens to other people, right?
In the first place, don’t be on the road if you don’t have to. If you know anyone that intends on driving drunk stop them anyway you can. Take their keys away; call them a cab, drive them home yourself or call someone else to drive them home or make them stay put; but don’t let them go out that door. If they tell you they will be fine, don’t believe them. If they tell you they haven’t had that much to drink, don’t buy it. And no need pouring hot coffee into them to sober them up. That doesn’t work. All you end up with then is a wide awake drunk. So, what’s it going to take to get you to stop drinking and driving this time?
Well how about this?

Michael just said NO to drugs and alcohol. Your life matters. Please make this a safe holiday and don’t drink and drive. PLEASE be careful. Much love from my family to yours.

Merry Christmas Everyone
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