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  1. D

    Do you find this odd? Buyer not checking in on horse

    I find it a little strange. I drove and hour and a half each way twice a month just to visit and get to know one of my mares while I was making payments.
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    New to Forum

    Hi Roxanne, It is great to see you here. You will be addicted to this forum. Debbie
  3. D

    Here He Is......Details and Pictures!

    Thank you for helping this little one. Update pleaseeee! Debbie
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    Thanks everyone for the replies. I purchased a bred mare and she is a sweetheart. I would just hate to see her become unfriendly after she foals. Debbie
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    Hello everyone. I read somewhere that a mares personality changes after giving birth. I assumed they meant permanently. Does anyone have any input on this? Thanks in advance. Debbie
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    a little unusual blue eye

    I think they are beautiful. One of my mares has 1/2 a blue eye. She is a black and white tobiano(spelling?) with sabino roaning. Is your little guy a pinto? Debbie
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    Sandy soil and psyllium

    Thanks for the info. I use Sand Clear. They are due now but I am worried about giving it to my pregnant mares. Do you know if it is safe? Debbie
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    I can´t hold it in any longer...

    Congratulations! I think she is gorgeous.
  9. D

    Flying A Farm announces

    Congratulations! I know that everyone is just thrilled. Debbie
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    Hi everyone, This happened to me this morning also. Kinda bothered me but it really freaked my husband out since he thought I was buying another horse. Debbie
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    6 month old colt

    Thank you for the replies. I am going to try to spend some additional time with him everday. I am hoping it is just a baby thing he is going through. Debbie
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    6 month old colt

    Hi everyone, I have owned this colt for 2 months(he is 6 months old now) and he is handled daily. He was pretty wild when I got him but he warmed up quickly. All of a sudden he is acting all shy and spooky, especially around strangers. He is even acting nervous around me. Does anyone have...
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    Crap, crap, crap!

    Laura, I am so sorry about your filly. Debbie
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    Show leads

    Thanks so much. Those are exactly the ones I am looking at from Star Lake Tack. Debbie
  15. D

    Show leads

    I was looking at couple of nice show leads but I can't decide with length to order. Do you prefer the 4' or the 6'? Thanks in advance, Debbie
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    Eating their run-in shed!

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the ideas. I have thought of the used motor oil. Is it safe? I was thinking of using it for the outside of the shed anyway. If you guys think it is safe then I will try it.
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    Eating their run-in shed!

    Hi, I just noticed that one or several of my mares is chewing on the 2x4's in their run-in shed. How can I stop this safely? Debbie
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    Need advice

    Hi All, Thank you for the replies. She has been eating Triple Crown for almost 3 months. I did change her over to the low starch for a while but it wasn't keeping the weight off like the Lite does. She is on grass hay and the Lite formula 2 times a day. She is on dry lot. Any...
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    Need advice

    Hello everyone, I have a mare with diarrhea. She has had it off and on for 2 weeks. She has an appointment with the vet on Monday. Does anyone have any advice in the mean time? She doesn't act like she feels bad. She is eating well and doesn't seem tired or weak. She was last dewormed...
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    Please help one more time

    Hi Andrea, His mane and tail are mainly white, but he does have a definate black strip down the middle of his tail and a smokey black(could be possibly sun bleached) strip in his forlock.