Do you find this odd? Buyer not checking in on horse

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
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Muncie, Indiana
I sold a horse about 2 months ago, he needed to stay here until early summer due to their move. I agreed to that and he is paid in full.

Since that time, 2 months, they have never emailed to ask about him or call.

Just because I felt I needed to, about every other week I send a note letting them know how he's doing, if he's been silly, whatever.

Their response has always been very very short.

Either saying,,,,,,thanks for the note,,,,,,,,,or just, thanks.

I do not "know" these people, I am sure they have horses. I did ask the normal questions before selling him and did check out a few things. All seemed fine.

I know they must be busy with the move and work.

But do you find this a little odd?

I get overly excited and probably most I have bought from wish I would stop the emails and no, I do not expect others to act as I do.

I even ask questions in my emails, hoping they will respond more and get them to answer the questions, but still only a thanks.

It doesn't bring up a red flag for me,,,,,,,,but I sure have the flag on the pole.

So are they just more business like and the kid in them doesn't come out?

I know people are busy,,,,but 2 months?

Would you have emailed and asked about him?
I do find that odd, bu tthen again while waiting for a horse my mom bought for us this past summer, while waiting for her to wean, I kept bugging the buyer for updates..LOL. I get so excited when I get a new pet.
I am overly zealous about my purchases...just ask vvf
I like to hear about my purchases, but I know I also tried not to ask and respond as to not over do it for the seller. Of course as a seller, I am sending pictures and notes all the time... I guess I would think it sounds kind of weird, but maybe they are busy or maybe hubby is answering e mail and isn't a talker?
Since you have been sending notes keeping the buyers up to date there may not be anything else that they feel they need to say or know, thus the short replies from them. They may feel they have already said all they need to & may not want to repeat themselves....... As a buyer I would appreciate the updates but would keep my response short if I did not have anything else to say..................... On the other hand if there were previous doubts, etc about the buyers I would be a bit concerned.
my goodness, when I bought sparrow I was at his breeders house to visit and check on him twice a week...
: She seemed tickled pink by that too.... I'm not sure i could handle going even a week between updates.

So yeah, it would strike me as odd but not every one is as obsessive as i am.
I agree with Cathy. If you are sending updates, there is no need for them to ask about him really, as they already have been updated. As for the short notes, over the years, I have run into quite a few of those people that seem "short on words" in emails. I think sometimes they just don't like computers, or are not familiar with them and don't feel comfortable on them. Other times, it may be due to their not liking to write letter, and sometimes because of their spelling, they may be self-conscious.
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Seems odd to me. I guess it's possible that since you send them updates they have no additional questions, etc., but that's not how I would handle it. I'm a FREAK about my purchases and sales. I'm always emailing either with an update on a horse I've purchased or to inquire about one I've sold. I send about one email per week regarding some horse I've bought or sold. I want to know how they're doing and I guess I assume others want to know also.

I just had a horse I sold in January picked up on Friday headed to PA. I was emailing regularly with updates on her and when the tranport picked her up, I emailed immediately and said I'd like to know when she arrives - because I'd worried the whole time. MO to PA is a long ride for a little girl!!! I did get an email when she arrived earlier today but it wasn't one of those "Wow, she's here, we love her!" which is what I was hoping for. It was more "she's adorable. Thanks." I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I want more info and I want THEM to want more info.
I have to ask....Do you have a contract??

If so , and it covers this I would stop sending your e-mails and wait.

If not I would send and e-mail requiring a response of more than a couple of words- ask for details of their position, explain that you are not pressuring but need to know exactly where you stand in order to order- hay/ feed/ whatever - and you need to know how much to order- Yes, I know it's a bit of a "cop out" but it is believable, polite, and will require them to give you some details.

Everything is in all probability absolutely fine, but you do need to know where you stand.

Good Luck.
I think that replying with nothing but "thanks" is a bit odd! (and a little impolite?)

I have bought a filly that I am still making payments towards, every fortnight when i make a payment i contect them to let them know and ask how she is. Although I do try to limit my emails to simply these occasions so as not to "harrass" the breeders! I do feel like i dont want to be contacting them constantly, and sometimes even feel like asking how she is constantly might make them think i doubt their ability to care for her, so i understand that some people may not feel comfortable asking a million questions... but i do think its odd that your buyers arent more conversational!
I bought a mare from Risque Stables who is due to foal anyday now. I e-mail at least twice a week to see how she is doing and ask if she is showing signs of foaling yet. I also bought another mare from Sarabeau Stables and my new stallion is also there(boarded) and I e-mail at least twice a week to see how they are doing as well. I can't wait until March as I will be going to get them. Can't wait. One mare is a silver dapple, one mare is black and the stallion is a grey pinto. :aktion033: Now waiting for Matilda to foal is driving me bonkers as that is the reason why I haven't gone to get them yet.
: I wish she would foal soon.
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Jane, I think that is a pretty good idea.

Not completely sure why it bugs me so.

I do have a contract,,,,,he is paid in full,,,,,,,,isn't time to pick him up,,,,,,,,so maybe they don't have anything to say. And I sure didn't want to bug them.

Maybe sometimes we can't think beyond what we would do,,,,,,and since this isn't what I woud do,,,,,,hard for me to understand.

Thanks for letting me know you have had a few that didn't talk so much either.
Carolyn, I'm not a breeder or seller, but I've bought a few now. This would bother me too. I think one thing I would consider is how promptly they respond to your messages. Perhaps a prompt response means they aren't as "busy" as you might think; at least not so busy they aren't keeping up with their e-mail. I would do as Jane suggests; then perhaps just quit updating them. See if they conact you then.
I agree with Mona. Some people are simply not confortable "talking" on the computer. Most are much more relaxed by phone. Perhaps a phone call to them asking them how the move is going etc. etc. and see where that takes you?

If you have had detailed emails from them in the past and not getting them now, I would be worried. Perhaps they are having buyers remorse?

Good luck in any case.

I don't think it is odd!

As a buyer, if I knew the horse was being well cared for and loved and I was getting updates I wouldn't need to email for anything else.

Maybe they are just not big on chatty responses:)

I wouldn't email much either if I was waiting on a horse(unless I felt they were coming from a neglectful home) and then I would get them out of there asap.

I think this implies they have full faith in you,that he is just fine and well cared for and they don't need to worry.

THe thing that bothers me when I sell an animal is the people who pester me constantly, while I still have the animal in my possession. Then when the animal leaves I ask them to stay in touch and let me know how things are going and I never hear from them again!!! This really bothers me.
Carolyn, how did the buying-process go? Where they sending long, detailed, chatty e-mails then?

I would not be worried.... They payed, you are sending them updates...and apperantly that is enough for them. I would see it as a compliment, that they trust you totally with their horse!
Hmm well personally I dont think it is so odd at all. I have a horse that we bought and she is going to be re bred in the spring so she is still with them. I dont email them all the time in fact usually it is a monthly email quick and to the point, how is she doing, is all going ok and the responses are pretty much the same. I love the sellers they are wonderful people if I didnt trust them I wouldnt be purchasing a horse from them.

I know she is in good hands and that if there is an issue they will let me know

I have bought foals and waited for them to be weaned and didnt feel I needed to bother the breeder over and over again with questions like what did he do today blah blah blah. She emailed as well saying all is going great- horse is doing wonderful that was really all I needed to know.

I wouldnt purchase a horse from someone I felt I needed to question and who's email updates seemed to need or lead to more questions

Now that said it is also easy to tell usually from the first few emails who is a more online chatty person and who isnt. I as I am sure it is obvious have no problem being a chatter box either and talking with them even daily if that is what works for them :)

Simply put just cause I dont write these big long emails and dont email them all the time sure doesnt mean I dont care about or want the horse I am glad they know that!

Some people simply dont feel comfortable (and having seen others get burned - I have been fairly lucky- ) feeling as if they have become "friends" with the sellers and or buyers. It can make a business relationship get more complicated and add tons of drama I have seen it happen over and over again.

Of course I have been lucky enough to make some wonderful friends both buyers and sellers but again some dont feel comfortable doing that.

All in all I dont think it is something sinister in the making - they have fufilled there contract it sounds like exactly the way you asked them to-instead of pressuring them or assuming something bad is going on I think personally I would prefer to assume they are not chatty on line and are confident in you as a seller- remember everyone is different
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Trying to think of all the reasons... maybe they have one computer and the primary buyer is not on the computer and is not the one that is responding. My husband is non-horsey and if he received those emails he would just say, thanks. And I *might* actually get to see the original message later. (Which is one reason why we all have our own computers! lol)

Not every buyer can be like us. I mean, if I wrote to the seller of the mare I just got every time I got excited, she would probably think I was 12 years old and a little off my rocker! Probably a good thing she was only there for a week or so before I could pick her up. LOL
Depends Frankie.....there is a point where I find it rude.

Most of the horses that I have sold... I get updates from time to time....all are being taken well care of.

Just sold my fjord mare...and only reason I sold her to the person I because of her long time mentor...who is the most upstanding person in the fjord community, has gave her word...and her word is good as gold. My fjord mare will be boarded at her she will have excellent care.

Will also get the chance to see my mare doing what she loves best...which is local shows this summer.

So I have no worries about it.

Me buying a not mind people checking in once in awhile....there has been one time were the person was driving me nuts..and sold the horse back to her. Can't stand people like that.

Anyone that comes see me and my animals in person, knows my animals are loved and well cared for. I dislike someone always looking over my shoulder. Makes it hard to enjoy that animal.
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