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  1. N

    Oh My Gosh!!

    She is really pretty! Dreams can come true Congratulations!
  2. N


    So sorry to hear about the loss of your little one. This must have bean a real shock to you. Again I am sorry.
  3. N

    Lets see your 2006 show string!

    WOW - they are all so pretty. If there is any of them you guys don't want I'll gladly take them off your hands. And you wouldn't have to twist my arm to do it -
  4. N

    Play this Christmas game! It's fun!

  5. N

    took martys advice

    Looks like they are enjoying themselves even if it is cold out!
  6. N

    good morning my dear friends

    You've been in my thoughts and prayers - and still are, for a speedy recovery from the burns and hopefully the pain will become less severe. Sounds like you are doing a great job with the burns, as hard as it must be for you to inflict pain upon yourself. But you know what you must do and are...
  7. N

    Lucky wins anyway!

    I'm sure glad this worked out for you!!
  8. N

    Play this Christmas game! It's fun!

    family - inspiration
  9. N

    I lost my riding horse

    So sorry to hear about your loss.
  10. N

    Baby jack goes to the vets tommorow

    Ahhh - our Greta goes in Friday to have the baby factory removed. She is 3 and has never had pups - but what a pain it has been to assure she doesn't. Maybe the nard fairy will come visit Jack - he brought our Shiz Shu (sp) a hamburger squeeky toy when he lost his!
  11. N

    Lucky Four Thrillers Top Choice

    So sorry to hear about the loss of your mare. My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is always so sad to lose one.
  12. N

    Fever Pictures

    What a pretty boy he is!
  13. N

    Miss Molly Pictures

    Nice pictures of Molly! That halter looks good on her
  14. N

    Today's candid pics, just hanging out

    Holly probably thinks it's great having Merry Beth for a babysitter!! And what a nice hair accessory (pony tail holder or bead) Merry Beth has on. Neat pics - it does look like summer there - is snowing here with windchill of -9 right now - burrrrr Love the barn - it looks pretty bright in...
  15. N


    Thanks for the replies - Marty I love your barn I thought of a loft over the center about 1/2 the length of the barn. The one we are redoing is just until we have the plans for a new one, which is probably a couple of years away yet. Thinking about sky lights over the stalls in the new one...
  16. N

    Just a little picture to share

    Marty, How precious!!! Love it when animals connect with each other like this.
  17. N

    Hello, i am new

    Hello from Colorado - This forum has alot to offer and very informative. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
  18. N


    Thanks Bluerocket!! Do you prefer mats over other types of flooring? I've actually thought of a stall with some kind of heat too (like for foaling during the cold) - but haven't come up with the ideal answer on this - does anyone feel this is a good idea or not? And no one else out there that...
  19. N

    Play this Christmas game! It's fun!

    gumdrops - chewy
  20. N


    You're still in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping for a fast recovery for you and that the pain will subside quickly.