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  1. KrazyHorses

    New Filly in the herd this morning

    Due date was May 18th. Didn't see any big signs last night so I left her out....Woke up and there was a new baby with the herd this morning...all standing at the fence waiting for hay. She's very cute and very tiny. What color is she? Sire: Tiger Lilly's Who's Your Daddy...
  2. KrazyHorses

    Filly fairy?

    I love my little boy (9/2006 colt). We had him gelded yesterday. I tried to sell him a couple times as a colt but it didn't work out. The vet commented that he is more valuable as a gelding. We are pretty attached to the little guy either way. He's quite a character and most likely...
  3. KrazyHorses

    Those that suffer chronic pain?

    Glad I saw this thread. Seems like I'm always dealing w/ pain from several things. I've been seeing a doctor for over a year w/ chronic sinus (every month). They put me on antibiotics (too short of time) and tell me to follow up in 10 days. Junk is not gone...more antibiotics. Every month...
  4. KrazyHorses

    Diet for a yearling

    Wondering what kind of diet you feed your yearlings? My mini colt is out w/ my TWH gelding so they eat together. I throw a flake of coastal in the morning, a flake in the afternoon, each gets one ounce of Vita Plus, then, at night they get one flake of coastal and one flake of T&A. They are...
  5. KrazyHorses

    G & S cart
  6. KrazyHorses

    G & S cart

    Any opinions on the easy entry mini cart from G & S ? (balanced?) How about their Amish biothane harness?
  7. KrazyHorses

    Please show examples of Classic vs. Foundation yearlings/youngstock

    She's always been my favorite! :
  8. KrazyHorses

    Michigan's Premier Gene

    :no: I don't think I'm expecting a foal in August. I've had puddles of smelly urine on my barn aisle two days in a row. I think Gorilla is in heat She wouldn't be in heat AND pregnant, right?
  9. KrazyHorses

    Michigan's Premier Gene

    Thanks! For some reason I thought they said he was a pinto? Good to know the correct info. My 'wild child' (CJ Black Magic) from Southwind (Leviens) is coming around just a little (baby steps). She still does NOT want her feet handled. We had her second trim March 20th (w/ sedation) and her...
  10. KrazyHorses

    Michigan's Premier Gene

    Does anyone know this stallion? Website? Pictures?
  11. KrazyHorses

    What is your LEAST favorite miniature horse color....

    Same here! I like them all no matter what color. My favorite is silver bay or chestnut w/ flaxen. I'd be happy w/ a whole herd of them :
  12. KrazyHorses

    Please keep OK's little horses in your prayers

    I'm absolutely speechless reading through this post. :no: Such horrible conditions. I can't imagine what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you.
  13. KrazyHorses

    Introducing our first 2007 foal!

    :aktion033: CONGRATULATIONS!! Super cute baby :
  14. KrazyHorses

    Pondering Oaks Shetland All Stars!

    Beautiful pony! Congratulations!
  15. KrazyHorses

    New Pony turns out to be huge project :(

    The vet got his little metal clamp (twitch) and then there was no problem administering the sedation. She didn't like having her feet handled so the vet gave her a little more sedation.
  16. KrazyHorses

    New Pony turns out to be huge project :(

    Gorilla Girl had her teeth floated and her feet trimmed today. :aktion033:
  17. KrazyHorses

    New Pony turns out to be huge project :(

    The vet and farrier are scheduled to come out Tuesday. She will be sedated for dental work and the farrier will trim her after. It wasn't easy scheduling the vet and farrier together. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that their schedules allow them to show up together at the right times (and...
  18. KrazyHorses

    New Pony turns out to be huge project :(

    No work today on this rainy Christmas. Thanks again. It really helps to read your posts.
  19. KrazyHorses

    New Pony turns out to be huge project :(

    Merry Christmas!! Thank you for all the support, advice, and well wishes. I have a breeding certificate. I was told she was covered twice (ASPC stallion, due in August). IF the vet has to sedate her to get her feet/teeth done...will this have any affect if she is in foal? My farrier is due...
  20. KrazyHorses

    New Pony turns out to be huge project :(

    My new Christmas pony arrived Friday. She is a registered ASPC shetland mare.