Some times those prescribtion pain meds can make your pain worse. Getting off them can be hard but that is your first step. Until you do... none of the over counter pain meds will work. Believe me I know.
I use a Rare earth mag... make sure it is bought from someone who knows what they are doing because it makes a big difference on wither the Pos or Neg side is next to your skin.
This is the brand I use...with very good results over the last 4 years. Even though it is for the neck.. I used it on my leg the last couple of years... or put it under my shirt on my shoulders. Very good quality product.
I also use Chinese herbal plasters,,, of all the stuff on the market, this is the only one that takes the pain away and doesn't give me an allergic reaction. PM.. will tell you where you can buy them if interested.
Also have a special memory foam ..matt if you will.. on my bed,, got it at Costco and it is about 5" thick... only way I can sleep.
With the above items.. the most I have taken is an Advil. Got off the over Prescription pain pills as fast as I could and well before the Doc's thought it was a good idea. Of course,, with me becoming allergic to things ...was much safer to get off those pain meds.
Over time your body can adjust to having pain all the time and at most it will be a back ground noise.
<<hugs>> I know how hard it is.