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  1. Kootenay

    Oh The Things I Find In The Basement

    I feel sooo bad for the orange and black caterpillars before winter, and I try to put them in an unused pile of hay in the barn . I rescued so many 'cow birds' from the water trough last year, and am always making sure the little frogs--(tree frogs I think) are always out of harms way. I just...
  2. Kootenay

    Oh The Things I Find In The Basement

    Good grief, The things I find in the basement, and our house being old go hand in hand. I still have not yet found Jimmy Hoffa, but i'm sure he'll turn up next . With the recent rains and snow melt, we found out that the basement 'seeps'. I found two spots of dampness, and one of them had...
  3. Kootenay

    Huge XP problems, any ideas Gurus?

    It could be your CPU chip isn't 'seated' properly--see diagram: diagram , or it could be your power supply. Does this happen after your computer is running for a while?, or when you try and open a program? . It could also be something haywire right in the motherboard. It could also be an...
  4. Kootenay

    My friend got a new mare! (biggy)

    Awwww!, what a cute mare , She reminds me of my quarterhorse mare Honey. It's taken a while for her to come around, but she's a "pocket horse" now. With some weight and tlc that mare will come around soon enough . Congrats . Here's my 7 year old quarterhorse mare Honey:
  5. Kootenay

    Dogs and Driving

    Try getting one of these Driving Whip Image . That's the one I use, just because it can reach a dog before it gets close to my horse.
  6. Kootenay

    Gelding vs. Stallion???

    I have to agree that at 3 years of age a young stallion is 'feeling his oats'. I tend to think of it as the terrible two's in horses. My ex stallion made me cry, cringe, and doubt why I owned him until he was gelded. I've also owned stallions who have acted like perfect gentlemen until...
  7. Kootenay

    Gelding vs. Stallion???

    When I had my Buddy gelded, it was the best thing that could have ever been done to him. He turned right around from being a semi miserable attacking biting machine to a nice quiet, loving little horse. I recommend gelding in a big way .
  8. Kootenay


    I didn't get a chance to clean out that barn in the fall. We were so busy getting the stalls in the other barn, that I just threw up some boards in the old barn in about an 8X6 "stall" in the front, and the rest was blocked off. The big horse I assume kicked down the boards, and they were both...
  9. Kootenay


    Never in my life have I been more embarrassed . I had the best scratching/grooming session with my two horses today, and when I came in the house I felt something creepy crawling on me. I picked it off, an lo and behold it's a horse louse--YUCK--Double Yuck!. Buddy doesn't seem to be as...
  10. Kootenay

    May be a long shot, but,,,,

    Thank you for checking them out for me. I figured it would be a long shot. Sundance did have papers, but was gelded after I sold him, and Rocky-(who had papers also) could have met his fate at an auction after the farm he was at shut down well over a decade ago. :Kim
  11. Kootenay

    May be a long shot, but,,,,

    Hi there folks, I was wondering if any of you could possibly help me out with a couple of horses I used to own that I have been looking for. They were never transfered into my name, so no leads there, but I do have names of the horses. One is a stallion by the name of Monashee's Rocky--(could...
  12. Kootenay

    Dogs and Driving

    Years ago while driving my mini Sundance, I encountered a dog quite often on the stretch of road I drove on. This dog would go back in it's yard if yelled at except for one time. This dog came out and nipped at my stallion's heels, so I took my driving whip and gave it a whack. The dog yelped...
  13. Kootenay

    NEW HORSE FOR ME...........

    Congrats on your new horse . I still haven't been aboard my new quarter horse yet, who I just picked up in the fall. I've seen her being ridden, and told she's greenbroke, but i'm waiting for all this snow to melt before I try to ride. Hoping for pictures . ---Kim
  14. Kootenay

    Let's See You..

    I'll play--(but I never seem to take good pictures) :DOH! ****Have to add this---If you walk around the room while looking at my picture, my eyes will follow you. I didn't notice it until now. (As is, I didn't like that pic to begin with, and now the creepy follow'y' eyes,,LOL! )
  15. Kootenay

    Grrr!--Think There's A Meth lab In My Neighborhood

    That is so why i'm going to get to the bottom of this. Meth has become somewhat popular around here the past few years, and I have witnessed people ruined because of it. It's lethal garbage, and it will not be tolerated in my neighborhood.
  16. Kootenay

    Grrr!--Think There's A Meth lab In My Neighborhood

    For sure. I know it's not anything like natural gas, as we don't have any hooked up here--(too expensive), and we burn wood. I ruled out that there is nothing wrong with the woodstove that could be causing my headaches, and I know the smell of all types of wood being burnt in our neighborhood...
  17. Kootenay

    Grrr!--Think There's A Meth lab In My Neighborhood

    When I go outside--(and smell the odor), my nose and throat also burns. I thought someone had a pool or hot tub one day, but the rest of what i'm smelling isn't quite fitting into the regular farm smells around here. Edited to add. I have a retired sheriff living almost at the bottom of my...
  18. Kootenay

    Grrr!--Think There's A Meth lab In My Neighborhood

    I'm about half a block away from them, and they are down a hill by a creek, and the odor travels up here. It could be a closer house, but the rest of the houses look like they are pricier--not a junky looking house like the one I suspect---(but I guess that maybe doesn't mean much though).
  19. Kootenay

    Grrr!--Think There's A Meth lab In My Neighborhood

    Of all the places! . I live in the country--lot's of farms, quiet people,,etc. Hubby and I have been smelling odd things in the air outside around here since we moved in--from cat urine to bleach, propane type odor, plus a septic tank type odor--and some other chemical we can't quite figure...
  20. Kootenay

    Cabin Fever Has Set In

    I'm still up thinking about ideas for my next batch. Maybe a Dill, Lemon, and Fresh Cracked Pepper Turkey Jerky---(could also be used with beef) . I have a Teriyaki jerky that was also a hit . I've also been toying with the idea for an Orange Jerky,,,but time is a constraint with the...