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  1. K

    Robbed, Via Triple A and the National Office

    Ive been to a show where somthing like that happened, It is frusterating but I know my horse and I had done very well so I was pleased regardless.
  2. K

    Locket scared me last night

    Yes, Locket is a dark colored mare and she will now be kept in when its hot out. She was still very sweaty this morning when I went to the barn to check on her so I brought a fan and set it up so its blowing on her. she seemed ok, I checked her gums and she's eating, drinking and there was poop...
  3. K

    Locket scared me last night

    Yesterday evening I went out to the barn where I bored my mini and she was sweating really bad, I mean she was soaked all over in sweat and breathing a little hard. Yes it was warm yesterday but I checked the other horses and they seemed fine. When I touched Locket she was burning... she was so...
  4. K

    Starting my mini with driving

    I have a mini mare that I want to start long lining. She already lunges and I been looking at differnt training equipment and dont know what to get. Should I just buy a whole harness or train her with one of the training harnesses they sell. Sorry Im not sure what there called. If you have any...
  5. K

    unruly manes!!

    My mares mane is very thick what I do is lift it up and shave a little from the bottom to thin it out and to get it on one side I've braided her mane to one side or I've even used a slinky to traine a mane to stay on one side.
  6. K

    What to do??

    I have a mini mare that I absolutly love to death and I got her 1year ago when I had always dreamed of having a horse of my own. Although I had wanted a riding horse I settled with my mini because the bored was less and afordable for the hours I was working and bored for a regular horse at that...
  7. K

    Skowhegan Show in Maine

    Just wanted to say well done to all!! There were many many beautiful mini's there and I for one, had a lot of fun and enjoyed meeting some of you
  8. K


    Thank you for all your responses. I will be sure to try these things next time I bath her.
  9. K


    woops spelling error ment startled not started
  10. K


    I have a show to go to tomorrow, so today I went to the farm im with to get my mini ready for the show. I never look forward to bathing her because she is just awful. She wouldnt stop rearing and moving from side to side. After the tenth time of her rearing up... makeing bathing really dificult...
  11. K

    HI y'all

    Welcome to the forum and congratulation on your new arival. My name is Kristen and I have a two year old mini mare named Locket!! Best of luck with you and your new mini
  12. K

    Question about teeth??

    My mare is two right now and I was wondering at what age should I have her teeth floated and how often do you have this done?
  13. K

    What Color Is She?

    Here's a picture of my mare Locket who is similar in color to your mini. Her papers say she is a silver bay but I think her color is more of a smooty bay.
  14. K

    Skowhegan Show in Maine

    Here is a picture of Locket and I. Its a really bad picture... well of me atleast Hope to meet you at the show and I have to tell you I just loved your little stalion, he looks just like buckeroo. You are so lucky and I have to say I was quite jelous...
  15. K

    Skowhegan Show in Maine

    The Showhegan fairgrounds are located on Route 201 north I think but best check with someone else to be sure. Try going to or if you just look up skowhegan fairgrounds you may be able to find good directions. Enchantress I think I may have seen you before, were you at the show they...
  16. K

    Skowhegan Show in Maine

    My mini Locket and I are going and was wondering if anyone else is? I would love to meet some of the forum members there!
  17. K

    AMHR Nationals

    So I need to go to shows that have multible judges and show there. I see, I assume you have to show some proof of that like a document of some sort from the show? Do you have to place at these shows to go? Also where are Nationals held every year?
  18. K

    AMHR Nationals

    I would love nothing more than to go to nationals someday. My question is how do you get qualified to go? I know you have to get a certain number of points from a certified judge but is that it? For those of you that have gone I would love to hear your experience from going and what it was like...
  19. K

    So Unfair

    If this is flaming , let me have it, but I will tell you in mY club and at OUR local shows there was no room for all that. We ran an honest fair show and ours were packed all the time! I dont think you out of line at all by saying this. I think that if you are to put on a horse show you should...
  20. K

    So Unfair

    I hope im not sounding like a sore loser because that isnt the case at all... to me it isnt even about placeing it is to just do your best and have fun. I was very happy with my horses performance today so regardless was a ok day but i still feel bad about the people that should have placed that...