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  1. anita

    Please join me in keeping Mary Lou

    Mary Lou and family is definetely in my thoughts and prayers Anita
  2. anita

    Stolen fence...

    Wow...............some great horses! I do my best to attend. Florida is wonderful in this thime of year Anita
  3. anita

    Look at what my Husband Got us.My dream mini.

    Beautiful horse and a stunning pedigree! Congratulation ! You will be very happy with Little Americas Silver Keepsake. I think Tony likes you a lot that he sold you Keepsake the names tells it all. Best wishes Anita
  4. anita

    check out this horse paradise!

    We lived in Southern CA on such an " well desired" Estate. Restrictions for everything, agreement on just one thing that never happened in all the years, permission for breathing................ We even voted for a " President" who tortured us from morning to evening. When he saw a flag...
  5. anita

    I am soooo very touched,...

    Hi Terri So glad to see you around. How are you? Anita
  6. anita

    Midwest folks

    Sure, come here! I like company and we can talk horses all day long is this ok? We are in the 70F with T-shirt and jeans Anita
  7. anita

    Where are you Located

    We are located in beautiful Sulphur Springs, TX 70 miles east of Dallas. We collect small minis and have over 40. You are always welcome Anita
  8. anita

    Would you please vote for Michael as Teen Angel?

    Michael got my vote ! A
  9. anita

    Speaking of stallion reports........

    Yes you can A
  10. anita

    That Wormer Topic

    Do you give ivermectin liquid 5 days in a row? Thanks Anita
  11. anita

    psychic abilities

    Very interesting to read, keep going! I don't know if my story fits but this happen to me. Years ago a client of mine rode tarot cards. She offered to read my future. No, no I don't believe in this. First she saw a death, then a new husband. With my new husband " Is he American?" I was kidding...
  12. anita

    Why do people think that....

    I believe in " horses are grasser" and need to eat all day. Our horse are out on pasture 24/7, feeder are full with hay always. My horses can eat what they want and are NOT fat, no bellies. I could bring them straight in the show ring. I bought several horses who were on a cup pellets and a...
  13. anita

    happy Thanksgiving to you all!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and Gary!! Anita
  14. anita

    Off to Hawaii!!!!

    You have a wonderful time Ashley! A
  15. anita

    Who has found bred mares at great prices?

    Yes, my thoughts too. What's a great price ? A
  16. anita

    Updated website another slideshow

    Its great! I think on the main page its nice made me a WOW... effect. Music is elegant fits to this beautiful If you did it yourself " Hats up" Liz A
  17. anita

    Do your horses like music?

    Our horses like country music like Texas Two Stepper A
  18. anita

    DNA testing

    I'll try to answer It depends for what you need DNA test to register a horse with AMHA? Then call the registration ask for a DNA kit they'll send it to you and go from there. A
  19. anita

    Payment from overseas

    we welcome payments straight to the bank or international checks in $, foreign money too is also acceted from our bank. A
  20. anita

    Do your horses stay outside even in cold cold

    Folks, I gotta freezing from all reading, minus 43C brrrrr................ made a cup hot coffee to warm up. Last night was 39F and thought it was extremely cold. Our horses are out 24/7 all of mine hate stalls. I never had a sick horse A