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  1. anita

    Derby Classic Sale

    Gorgeous horses! Sure, I have my trailer with me. Glad we have such a great sale in our area and I will support our industry and the folks with their hard work to arrange a wonderful sale. Hope we have every year a Derby sale. That would be great! See ya'll on Saturday Anita
  2. anita


    Happy Birthday Mona and wish you all the best in the world! Anita
  3. anita

    Pancreatitis in dogs

    So sorry to hear Radar has panceatitis it not easy and can be painful My dog suffered from pancreatitis too. She was a week in hospital on fluids only no food at all. Then we started slowly with some tble.spoon rice, fat free cottage cheese and cooked chicken breast mix 3-5 times a day. All...
  4. anita

    2009 Winter Breeders Classic?

    January can be very cold in Dallas area and weather can change from sunny to icy cold in a minute. Its Texas. March/April/May would be a better time. When there are other shows too that we get new folks to our miniatures. I like D/FW sale a lot. Beautiful horses, wonderful people
  5. anita


    Larry did a great job! Looks fantastic
  6. anita

    Bank wire transfers

    Hope I understand your question right. Routing # account# and name We use Bank of America, goes to BOA NY and from there spread to our local. Order needs usually 3-5 days. To Wells Fargo or other Banks needs more time, 1-2 weeks longer, and more $
  7. anita

    Bank wire transfers

    Bank of America
  8. anita

    We have a new STALLION!!!

    Congratulation on your new boy! He is stunning Anita
  9. anita

    WATSON!!! Our New Shih-Tzu Puppy From

    Awww............ adorable !!!!! Congratulations to your new baby. Anita
  10. anita

    Hello My Friends -- Some Sad News / Some Happy News

    Oh no....... Jill, it makes me so sad to hear you lost your beloved Winston. I know it very hard to loose a 4 legged family member. My condolences. Anita
  11. anita

    Prayers needed for Lisa(Runaway Ranch)

    Lisa, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts Anita
  12. anita

    I am so proud to be an Amercian!

    Obama will: start the Department of Peace which will oversee every gov agency and every aspect of your life. Start the Civilian Defense Force which is a large, well funded and as powerful as our military. Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. Create a government agency in charge of all volunteer...
  13. anita

    I think I know what Biden/Powell are talking about

    I respect Collin Powell he is a 5 star General. Remeber, Collin Powell was the General who led us in the Iraq war. Not so laong ago forgotten already? He didn't save us from Iraq war and won't save us from socialism. BTW Obama is endorsed also from Chavez, Castro and Ghadaffi
  14. anita

    Nancy Pelosi

    only 15% of Americans know who Nancy Pelosi is I learned yesterday. And she wants to be prime minister when democrates win the election. Who is Todd, Reid, Frank ?
  15. anita

    today 10/18

    What I think or believe doesn't matter. That was aired in arab. TV station
  16. anita

    Food for serious thought...

    OMG.......and this is 2008! I hardly can believe this
  17. anita

    today 10/18;pageId=78309#
  18. anita

    Need prayers, My 17 yr old daughter is

    Prayers for your daughter and you are on your way! Let us know how your girl is doing
  19. anita


    Americans have never experienced Socialism/Marxism.
  20. anita


    Yesterday, Obama told collage students get $ 4000 tax credit when they serve the National Military Community Service. No guns, military back home from Iraq and Afghanistan, National Military Community and our borders closed. Fits together I have no children but if I had I would be very worried.