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  1. L

    Selling horses without papers?

    I agree with Sue C. Every horse deserves to have his papers go with him/her if they have papers to begin with. Selling a horse and not giving the papers doesn't mean that horse won't be bred by any means. Once the horse leaves your hands, is paid for and goes to the new owner it is their...
  2. L

    Spring's Big Day!

    That was a wonderful thing to do Kim and apparently Spring was the right horse to take. I'm sure the residents will never forget that day and it surely brought joy to them for that time being. Joyce
  3. L

    Something new for me........!!!!

    I'm not really an appy fan, but I must say, she is beautiful and congratulations !!!!! I wouldn't mind owning her myself. Joyce
  4. L

    Interesting Homozygous Tobiano Pinto Pattern

    He certainly is a stunning colt !!! Joyce Little Folks Farm
  5. L

    That was incredibly nice of you, Cocoa

    She's lovely and those daytime foalers are wonderful!!! Congrats bit time and enjoy. Joyce
  6. L

    One of those memory making moments!

    What an impressive achievement for you and your horse !!! Congratulations big time, you both deserved it. Joyce
  7. L

    Not often I find something new!

    I do not know you but know you only from here but want to tell you I'm so sorry for what you went thru. It's never easy to make that decision to put down an animal. But you did the best you could for her and with the tests, you made the decision that you had to do. You loved her enough to do...
  8. L

    Goodbye Princesa!

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you for the final decision. She will forever live in your hearts and so sorry for this sad ending. Hugs, Joyce
  9. L


    A Connecticut welcome from Joyce at Little Folks Farm. Jump in and tell us about yourself and your minis. Glad to have you here. Joyce L
  10. L

    Need Help with Ideas For Registered name

    He is one handsome Firecracker for sure and I think he needs Firecracker in the name somehow. First to come to my mind was "Dust off Firecracker."
  11. L

    Eastern Regionals This weekend in OH

    Good luck Kristina!!!! And anyone else from NEMHS who may be there. Joyce Little Folks Farm
  12. L

    NEMHS Last Chance and Weanling Futurity Show

    May try to come and watch the show if I can. Joyce Little Folks Farm
  13. L

    Oops... missed one...

    You certainly didn't have to lose any sleep waiting for this foal to arrive and a beauty too. How about "Surprise Package" for a name? Joyce
  14. L

    Received AMHA Magaine

    I miss the Miniature Horse Voice also but I don't think there is any hope that it will be published again by Chris Carbone. I have kept every issue and have years of the World magazine. Joyce
  15. L

    mini horse transport question!!

    I like Worleys for transporting. Joyce
  16. L

    New Foals

    Beautiful foals and great pictures. Joyce
  17. L

    Precious is foaling!!!

    I am so sorry to read that you lost both mare and foal. That is so hard and I was in your position once, losing both mare and foal with Vet in attendance at 2 a.m. so I can understand your thoughts and the loss you feel. Foaling out these miniatures can sometimes be a heart breaker for sure...
  18. L

    Transporter recommendations needed!

    If you want the best, do contact: Worley's Hauling at Joyce
  19. L

    Horse auction in PA last wkend

    Boy, by that prices are really down. Many of us have expensive horses compared to prices to todays market. Joyce
  20. L

    Our One and Only foal for 2009

    Please give her a big huggle from me. She is lovely and I can see why you are excited about her. Congrats, Joyce Little Folks Farm, CT.