Received AMHA Magaine

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
[SIZE=12pt]I thought the recent issue was very interesting. I liked reading about owners' dream barns, and what the owners considered to be important for the horses. Also enjoyed the article about horses sleeping. The new driving class was also well explained and illustrated.[/SIZE]
I hope I get one, I just renewed my membership last month.
I am no longer a AMHA member but I do very much miss the magazine- love the articles and it is just a nicely put together - professional magazine
I think the AMHA magazines are absolutely one of the perks of being a member. It is a beautifully put together publication. I have saved every one since I joined eight years ago. I like the articles and registry info, and even the beautiful advertisements. The thing I like best about the AMHR journal is the Area news, but the rest, I can take or leave. In order of preference for mini magazines:

1. AMHA Miniature Horse World

2. Miniature World Showcase

3. AMHR Journal

Actually I'd say #1 and 2 are a tie. I am so excited to see either one in my mailbox!
Oooh I've been sitting by the mail box waiting for mine. Normally by the time they post it online I am recieveing it. But I still haven't gotten it.
I STILL miss "The Miniature Horse Voice" magazine. I wish they would start it up again.

I think the AMHA magazines are absolutely one of the perks of being a member. It is a beautifully put together publication. I have saved every one since I joined eight years ago. I like the articles and registry info, and even the beautiful advertisements.
[SIZE=10pt]Me, too! I can't bear to throw an issue away, and will often go back and look at the ads, and the champions of past years, and have made sticky notes for pictures or articles I want to refer to again.[/SIZE]

And the online magazine is great, also, where you can go directly to the various websites. Kudos to MHW!
I miss the Miniature Horse Voice also but I don't think there is any hope that it will be published again by Chris Carbone.

I have kept every issue and have years of the World magazine.

Got my very first AMHA magazine and got to say I love it! Very good reading!
You know, it would really go a long way if you would send this note to AMHA and let them know. I am sure it would make Alison's day to get this kind of feedback directly.

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