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  1. S


    Thanks for the heads up on that one minimule as he will be 5 next year. I am such a slacker when it comes to paperwork so will need to be right on tha one as I will have foals by him next year too. Too bad about the perm woolie pics for you eh!!!
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    Thanks Lyn, I guess I had better get a dangling on the paperwork. I am such a slacker when it comes to the paperwork.
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    If a stallion foaled in 2001 and is still temp in the AMHA, permanent in the AMHR, my question is when I have him DNA tested ( A ) can his foals for this year be registered with the AMHA. I know they can be reg. in the R, but am wondering more about the A. Can he have foals registered before he...
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    I want to get another miniature...

    I am not on the board too often lately so not sure what the post is about from Palomino. Whatever, yep you are entitled to your hearts desire as the rest of us are. I too think you will need a few bucks over the 300.00, but that is a start eh!!! I think if you have the room, feed, time and money...
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    I kinda thought it was a scammer, and really had no intention on filling out or sending anything in. Thanks I will forward it to PayPal. They sure make the whole picture/email real looking eh!!!
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    Did anyone else get this email from "PayPal" Our taxes for sending and receiving money were recalculated.PayPal must repay 4823 members including you the amount of 138.85$ .You will receive this amount of money when you will first send or receive money through PayPal. Please confirm your...
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    Simple feeder idea

    "HAY", what a great idea. We have run in sheds similar to you and was thinking of doing something to get the hay off the ground as it was getting trampled in. I know now what to do. Thanks for sharing.
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    Shipping Fever

    Yes Helen, it will be his first adventure away from home. He is 4 mos. old. I never thought about taking a companion on the trip. I was more concerned about his time alone on the other end and such. I will be taking him in the back of my pickup. I have been told by a friend to give him a shot...
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    Shipping Fever

    Hey Marty, I suggested that they take a goat over as a companion for him. I too have one that I think would wither up too Lisa, but this little fella in particular I think should fair it out. I am not worried about his housing situation as they will be giving him a sweet, loving home. They...
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    Shipping Fever

    Thanks Lyn, boy do I feel stupid I thought it was caused from the stress of shipping the animal. The colt is a healthy young fella. Again I did not realize that it was a virus, I will share that with the lady buying the colt.
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    Shipping Fever

    What concerns would you have for a four month old coly being shipped 3 hours away and being alone when he gets there. Alone, meaning no other animals. These folks have purchased a colt from me and I am to deliver him next month. He is a gift for their daughter for Christmas. They have other...
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    Progress made on the new barn!

    Hey Marty, looks great. Nice to see anbeginning, and an end in sight eh!!! I need to know, when you stock your cupboards do things actually get to stay there without hauling it into the house for winter, or are you sooooooooooooooooooo blessed to have a heated tack room
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    If you're buiding a barn, lean-tu, fencing...

    We do the same as Dinimore. A friend of ours has a sawmill and we have a small acreage with some softwood, hardwood mix. We take our own logs to the mill and he cuts them into lumber for $$$ a thousand. We built a fairly large barn for about $1500.00-1800.00 including the metal sheeting. 24 X 26...
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    Smithville Fair-fun at a local fair!!

    Way to go, CONGRATS to ALL who participated. Your horses look quite smart looking, and I am sure you are to blame I am glad you had fun. I think we need to have a look at the grooming shirt eh!!!
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    Lost our Foal

    {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for you, and your mare. It is a very sad thing for you both to be going through.
  16. S

    Do you think she will go over 38"?

    When she is finished growing, and she is trained to drive, AND if she goes over height send on over here to Canada and I would be happy to sport her around I hope she works out for you Tammie. Have any pics to share.
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    Miniature Horse shows

    I couldn't have said it better Susanne. I think you have some good ideas to build on. I would like to see more mini shows at the local fairs as there are no local shows for minis here either.
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    Katrina: Lesson Learned--No politics or opinions

    I would certainly pray as it is all in His hands.
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    mini mare

    So sorry, that can, and is very discouraging. I hope she is doing okay. What do you figure the scar tissue is from?