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  1. 4

    My newest little one!!!!

    Cool looking fellow!!
  2. 4

    Lucky Trails/AKS minis

    Heather came home from school to meet the filly - her name is Lucky Trails Pop's Fashion Statement Trying to get some of the TWH pics loaded!
  3. 4

    Foal Announcement

    Nice baby We have a a Bandito filly we absolutely love!
  4. 4

    It Must Be Addictive!

    Welcome to the world of breakdown showing. I myself have tried to perfect that Try loosing your transmission between the tunnels on the Chesapeake Bay bridge at 10 pm Also have had flat tires, cracked head, dead fuel pump and overheating problems We still love going though Oh and...
  5. 4

    Lucky Trails/AKS minis

    A lovely chestnut overo FILLY Fashion (courtesy of Karen Hunter AKS minis) is being such a good mommy - she lost a foal with a heart problem last year and went on to foster/helped raise a TWH! She so wanted a nice baby of her own Early morning, she jumped out of her stall, went to the end...
  6. 4

    Lucky Trails Found Spots!

    We had a spot attack this morning at Lucky Trails Farm. Foal alert went off at 4:55am, checked cameras, Dove was kicking her belly, up and down but no bubble was visible so knew there was a problem. Went in to check and got kicked! :DOH! Maiden mare Tried again, this time she figured out I...
  7. 4

    Whinny For Me's 3rd and Final 2009 Foal is HERE

    Oh wow... sounds like a couple anxious days! Good thing her guardian angel was making sure she was in sight He is a real looker though and it looks like everything will be fine soon
  8. 4

    Please help our fire dept

    WE WON!!!!!
  9. 4

    Please help our fire dept

    UPDATE: We are in Indianapolis, IN (E-One has flown the 7 finalists here for the presentation). Voting ends tomorrow at 1 Please vote if you haven't (THANKS!!) and wish us luck
  10. 4

    I got one too!!

    How neat!! And a cutie at that You have trained "mid-mares"
  11. 4

    Dream finally foaled

    Mama'n me - you have to be able to pull blood to run the IgG test. There are several test kits available through your vet.
  12. 4


    HI... another "spring chick" I myself just celebrated the anniversary of my 29 1/2 birthday for the 5th time
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    We had a great time again - Laura and her crew are the best at keeping a show flowing smoothly!! There were lots of new and old faces and wonderful horses :-) The club had a wonderful assortment of silent auction items. Everyone was helpful and friendly. And MaryAnn, I know an "oldie" that is...
  14. 4

    Little Heartwood's Lady Freedom

    Congrats !!
  15. 4

    Dream finally foaled

    Filly Dream has been bagged and testing ready for over a week. Show came this weekend - carried her and the foalert back and forth from the show (only 38 miles) with me to make sure she was attended The other folks at the show pronounced me totally nuts Anyway, getting ready to load and...
  16. 4

    Please help our fire dept

    Thanks everyone for voting!! Meadowridge, Our town had 259 people at the last census; mostly farmers so no tourism here. Marty - how horrible! When I was a teenager, our house burnt to the ground due to no fire dept. where we were in NE AL.
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    I sincerely hope they get the pain under control, Lots of prayers and good thoughts coming your way:pray Thinking of you often even when we dont post!
  18. 4

    Over due mare

    Hahaha Join the club My maiden finally foaled this weekend at 352 days (a filly) Last year, a maiden went 364, the longest we've had was 372! I have 2 that are at the 320-330 mark right now. Buy lots of coffee or soda, LOL
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    Please help our fire dept

    HI Our fire department in the small town of Powellsville NC is in the running for a free truck. Their truck is 37 years old and they cannot afford the almost $200,000 to replace it. So I entered an essay in the E-One Fire Manufacturer's "why my department needs a new truck contest" and we are...