Dream has been bagged and testing ready for over a week. Show came this weekend - carried her and the foalert back and forth from the show (only 38 miles) with me to make sure she was attended
The other folks at the show pronounced me totally nuts
Anyway, getting ready to load and go to show grounds Sat am - and Dream went down pushing
Baby out with out problems, got up OK, started searching for milk bar. Two hours later, no nursing. Milked (maiden) mare and fed baby by syringe twice. Checked IgG at 5 hours - 0!
Now milking mare and feeding baby every 20 minutes. Finally (barely) passed IgG at 11.5 hours.
(If not over 400-800 at 12 hours, must have plasma transfusion)
Continued 30 minute feedings until bedtime, then hourly. At 5:30 Sun morning, she finally nursed
I took a nap, then back to show grounds - without momma this time!
Here's Lucky Trails Hearts Daydream:
- about 20 minutes old
at about 6 hrs

Dream has been bagged and testing ready for over a week. Show came this weekend - carried her and the foalert back and forth from the show (only 38 miles) with me to make sure she was attended

Anyway, getting ready to load and go to show grounds Sat am - and Dream went down pushing

Baby out with out problems, got up OK, started searching for milk bar. Two hours later, no nursing. Milked (maiden) mare and fed baby by syringe twice. Checked IgG at 5 hours - 0!

Continued 30 minute feedings until bedtime, then hourly. At 5:30 Sun morning, she finally nursed

I took a nap, then back to show grounds - without momma this time!
Here's Lucky Trails Hearts Daydream: