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  1. minifancier

    Mini Horse Auction in Eau Claire Sept 22

    I will be there I need to maybe pickup a few things. I should get a surcingle (sp) so I can start the ground driving part at least. And maybe look to see if maybe they are running a mini donk or so thru as a companion and friend for my mini. :bgrin
  2. minifancier

    Mini Horse Auction in Eau Claire Sept 22

    Just wondering who maybe going to the fall sale this coming weekend?
  3. minifancier

    Lime in stalls

    I use Ag Lime in my stalls and have been doing so now for some 35 years.
  4. minifancier

    Microchip Implants

    NO There are NOT going to Track Your Animals by Satellites~!!! Lets get that Straight and Up Front Right Now~! The ONLY thing on the Satellites is Your Premises Through the Premises ID Program.~! There is Plenty of False ideas going around the net on this chipping stuff. And Following You...
  5. minifancier

    no balding/razoring allowed??

    So do I and I hope it passes with flying Colors too.
  6. minifancier

    what the heck is a "coggins"

    I haul all over the place and just got back from MO. and never had a coggins~! I buy sell haul all without one and have been doing so for years and years. I was in AZ. for 10 years working at a boarding stable never had one nor did we demand horses coming in to have one and there were over 100...
  7. minifancier

    Fall Miniature Horse Auction Eau Claire, WI.

    Midwest Miniature Horse/Pony Auction Sept. 22nd; 10:00AM Eau Claire CountyFairgrounds. Expect 100 head. Coggins required. Info (715) 772-3229.
  8. minifancier

    Vaccine Question

    I always do the butt area lots more muscle there then in the neck. And yes if there is another one with different inert ingredients I would try that one instead of the one used with the reaction. Although in the many years now and giving shots to my horses myself i have yet to have any type of...
  9. minifancier

    Horse vs. Cactus....

    prickly pear cactus is they ake all sorts of things from them. From the Fruit from them that is. Candy, jams jelies etc.
  10. minifancier

    AAAKK...My baby girl is gone to summer camp!

    I worked 3 summers years ago at a girls camp in Northern WI. but this was a 8 week camp. I was one of the horse riding instructors. This was a Girls camp from Chicago all Jewish girls camp. That was 3 nice summers for sure.
  11. minifancier

    barn fans

    Nope my do not run 24/7 at all I have them on Timers. And I insisted even at the boarding stable I worked at while in AZ. that ALL fans were to have timers on them at least to shut down a few hours at night to cool off those tiny motors and the dust that gets in them~! I mean gee those small...
  12. minifancier

    I heard today from the hay guy

    Why is this such a surprise to anyone? Months ago I mean Months ago on farm reports, they said there was going to be More Corn planted this year then since the early 1940's~!! And it did happen. Don't people that have horses and are tied to the Ag business, listen to Ag talk at times on...
  13. minifancier

    Exporting horses to Middle east, anyone with advice?

    WOW I can't believe that some people would say they mistreat animals just because it is The Middle East~!! Wow how Unfair that is~! Just LOOK at how many Arabians have come over to THIS country from the ME. and back and forth~! GESH. And I was in Arabians for years and saw some real nice one...
  14. minifancier

    Horse camp

    :aktion033: Ah yes I remember those days very well. Well not at a Girls Scout Camp ,,But at a Girls Camp I was one of the Instructors for 3 summers in Northern WI. Yes I had fun at that Jewish Girls Camp that was from the Chicago area, those summers~! Teaching riding etc. Some basic dressage...
  15. minifancier

    Evan Almighty

    :lol: This one was WAY better then the first one~! Went to it Noon on Friday the very first showing and the theater I saw it in was in Digital~! so it was just breath taking~! I highly recommend it. :aktion033:
  16. minifancier


    In Western WI. I have been using a guy that has just Wonderful Grass Hay~! And that is what I want Just grass hay~! That is stored in his barn and pretty good sized bales about 50 pounds a bale some a little lighter but for the most part good sized for 2 Bucks a bale. There has been times when I...
  17. minifancier

    cleaning my tubs

    And all of my buckets and tanks are also cleaned with Bleach~! And in a 50 gal to 150 tanks I even ADD a drop or 2 of bleach to help it stay clean longer~! And I have friends that do the same only they even use more bleach in a 150 gallon tank then I do to clean the tank up before cleaning it...
  18. minifancier

    Coggins Testing How does the law read on this?

    Ya for sure, as I have sold and bought horses for years now even moving them from one State to another without that blasted coggins papers. Even many a donkey~! In the first place When the coggins test was first used it was Never intended to be used as it is today, and besides it is just a "One...
  19. minifancier

    Ford Truck year 2004 2005

    I have a friend that has an '04 Ford pick up and now has 80K on it pulling a 4 horse trailer a lot~! And this truck even can use the E85 Ethanol and even with that they are doing great with it.
  20. minifancier

    Coggins Testing How does the law read on this?

    And I sure will agree with that wholeheartedly even my vet says so : ~!