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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2007
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We live in NJ. I was paying 5.65 a bale. We found a guy selling it for 2.75 a bale. It is about 1.5 hours away. So figuring gas and all I still think it is a good deal. We are going up on Thur to see it and buy it if we like it. What should we look for? It is a Timothy mix. THe last place we got it from was from a feed store so we knew the quality was decent (most of the time).

Thanks for the input.
In our area all I can get is Coastal- at the store it averages$10.00 a square baale- if you are lucky enough to find someone cutting in the field might be as little as $8.00..........we are haveing a draught for 3 years now- have startedto get some rain this season.........keep it comming God..........joy
I'm paying $6 a square bale for either bermuda or brome. I'm not sure how much the mixed grass will be this year. Before our 2 year drought, I was only paying $2 a square bale for mixed grass. I'm in SW Missouri.
Are we talking small square bales or large ones?

Here I pay $2.25 - $2.50 for small bales of orchard grass with a little alfalfa, very grassy and quality...but I found a special person who grows this and I love it over all the rest i've ever tried! She sells out fast too with her quality, it doesn't stick around long!
I need to move! :new_shocked: I am having 6 tons of grass hay delivered today - roughly 90# bales and it will cost me $1595 ! ! ! So, roughly $12/bale. It would be nice if lasted more than 4-5 months, unfortuantely I will probably be ordering again in October to get me thru the winter. Had 55 yrd of shavings delivered last week and it was $612.
Where abouts in NJ are you located at? Here in southern NJ, I go to a farm on Rt 206 that grows their own. Timothy, Alfalfa, straw. Really NICE stuff. I pay between $6.00 and $7.00 for nice big bales. In all the years of going there I've never had one single moldy bale and the quality of hay is on the high scale. My boys love the stuff and will inhale it. Smells fresh, is not stemmy and has beautiful color. I've gone other places and have paid from $3.25 (many years ago) to $5.00 a bale but the quality is not there. And if the horses shove it around and poop on it.....it's a waste of money.
Holy cow :new_shocked: what some of you folks have to pay for hay! Last month I got square bales of early cut orchard grass, that is beautiful looking and feeling hay and it smelled good enough to eat myself, for $1.90 a bale.
In Western WI. I have been using a guy that has just Wonderful Grass Hay~! And that is what I want Just grass hay~! That is stored in his barn and pretty good sized bales about 50 pounds a bale some a little lighter but for the most part good sized for 2 Bucks a bale. There has been times when I had more horses that I would buy more and get it delivered. for 25 cents more a bale. But a Bale lasts my one mini Just About 2 weeks the smaller ones a week and a half~! So that sort of tells you these are not Real Small Square ones~!
Here in Ontario, we can get hay the norm is: $2.50 - $3.00 a bale, (Alfalfa / Timothy)

We just use hay cubes in the winter and pasture in the summer.
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:new_shocked: I think I want to move, lol We pay for alfalfa we pay anywhere form 12.00 to 15.00 a bale, for timothy/ orchard mix its between $13.00 and 15.00 a bale,

We have a semi local who cuts his fields in July really nICE NICE stuff but we always run out of his way before the following July. With 8 large horses and 7 minis hay goes fast, lol his bales are $5.50 but we only get about 12 tons of his then we have to spend 6 months buying the spendy stuff.
We live 50 miles east of Pittsburgh and when we have to purchase hay, it runs from 90 cents a bale straight out of the fields and up to 2.00 if already stored in the barn later on in the year. This year we have had our farm leased out and part of the agreement was that we get hay from them instead of cash payment of the acreage, so that will work out for us also and the farmer plants really a good hay mixture for us and mows, rakes and bales, we just have to provide the manpower to unload and stack it in the barn. The first cutting has been already done here. Last year hay was going for around 3.00 a bale in the dead of winter and I suppose it will be going higher priced this year with the price of the fuel and twine and fertilizer doubling.
Here in northwestern ohio we were paying $2.25 for orchord grass/alfalfa hay mix. We just found a guy about 40 minutes from here that we can get orchord grass (with very little alfalfa in it though) for $1.75 and got 175 bales from him for $307.

Not bad
Here in Arizona 3 wire alfalfa bales are about 11.75 a bale, bermuda (which is not very good here) is 12.00 or so for a 3 wire bale. The bales are about 90 pounds or so.. give or take a few pounds.
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I know that we have discused the cost hay in the past..........but, here in Texas we are recovering from a draught.Small squares are 10-12 from the feed stores and if you can find it being baled in the fied, we payed 6.75 a few weeks ago. I kills me that my brother lives in upstate NY and burned over 200 bales to make room for his new crop.............he sales timothy for 1.50 a bale...............we get to retire in 3 years- I really want to move to the east coast again!!!!!!!!!
[SIZE=14pt]I've got to stop complaining tha thay costs so much here. I pay $3-$5 a bale. Either out of the field or delivered locally. I just got a very nice batch of timothy second cutting from last year, no dust, and no mold for $4 deliverd. I know the kid that deals this hay and I'm sticking with him. NO more worrying that I can't get a truck and trailer to get hay. I just call him up when I'm starting to run out. I have to get about 300/400 bales a year. I live in Massachusetts.[/SIZE]

We are paying $2.00 for 50-60 lb timothy/alfalfa/clover mix that is great hay and the horses love it, they eat every piece of it!! We are moving to the west side of Tennessee so can anyone tell me what the price is there? We have to decide if we buy here in Michigan or wait and get it there!!

I'm with Gracie...I live some like 30 mins away from her and hay is not cheap right now...I got 2 bales of hay the other day from King Feed and never again will I get hay there unless its an emergency..I paid 23.00 for 2 bales of 80-90 lbs. of orchard grass. Its was super sweet smelling...And my horses loved it....I think theres a place down the road from that place that sells the same lbs for $8 a bale I just havent gotten a chance to go out there...
Here in SW Okla. I can ot even find Bermuda. :no: But, for a 80-90# bale of alfalfa were are paying 12.00. They are a 2-wire.
Here in SW Ohio I just had mine delivered last week. Small bales (two string) I used to live in CA and they had large three string! Anyways I got first cut Alfa/Tim/Orchard for 4.00 a bale. Preordered in the winter for 600 bales. Last year it was 3.25. Still beats the 8.00+ I paid in CA!!

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