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  1. KrisP

    Prices of mini's going down the drain...

    I'm glad to see this being discussed and really enjoying seeing everyones opinions. I also agree that there is a glut of horses on the market. One thing to remember is the life span of minis, they aren't something that is just around for a year or two or five, they are here for a LONG time and...
  2. KrisP

    Prayer Request

    Michelle my thoughts are with your friend and with you for strength at this time. The loss of a child is so terrible, and this loss is such a senseless tragedy, I'm so sorry. I've been there with a friend that lost her daughter, be there and be strong, she really needs you right now. krisp
  3. KrisP

    Ways to save money?

    Just to clarify even canned soup and bologna sandwiches are considered "cooking" in my house Have to make myself sound busy don't I? How ya doing Ashley, have you heard any more about the layoffs yet? krisp
  4. KrisP

    Stetson is having surgery

    I'll be thinking about him for you! I'm sure he'll be just fine and SO happy, geldings are so much fun AND so much easier to keep and show. I'm a huge supporter of gelding! Krisp
  5. KrisP

    Ebay funny

    I threaten hubby with this all the time, it keeps my counters and table cleared off!! :bgrin :bgrin Don't EVEN look in his office though, I REFUSE to even open the door to it! krisp
  6. KrisP

    Ways to save money?

    I make menus and grocery shop monthly. You said you don't cook? Well start :bgrin Trust me eating out costs a LOT even just fast food. For more long term savings check around on auto insurance, have a higher insurance deductable, set up online bill pay to save on buying checks and stamps...
  7. KrisP

    First Week Horse Journal

    Oh what fun! I just smiled all through reading your post. It's so nice to see someone new to the horses enjoying them so much and being so open to learning and new experiences. Aren't they bold little things? 3 inch board scare them, nooo, but when those leaves blow by in the pasture and...
  8. KrisP

    Ways to save money?

    Now you've hit my specialty, if a penny can be stretched I do it, it's more of a challenge/hobby to me. Just do a search on frugality and you'll fine a TON of sights with information. There are even a few great forums with advice/support and challenges. just a few: turn the heat down a bit...
  9. KrisP

    Husbands Hobby

    Hobby as in singular? Then I'd have to say his hobby is HOBBIES! I never know what Scotts going to be into or drag home next, there's never a dull moment around our farm, sometimes I come across things behind the shop or up in the shop that he's snuck in at some point in time or another : He's...
  10. KrisP

    My Son Started Special Olympics Bowling Yesterday!!!!

    Oh how EXCITING!!! My brother has bowled in the special olympics before and just LOVED it! I think this is such a wonderful program! Give your boy a HUGE hug for me, and I'd love to see a picture of his smile while bowling, I just know it's enough to melt ANYONES heart! krisp
  11. KrisP

    National news, Scotts Co., Smoke and you ARE fired

    And again, that is stepping into your PERSONAL life and time, giving them a foot in the door for more control of your life. As others have said whats next, you have to quit drinking coffee? No more tea? No more horses because their to dangerous? No more parachuting? No more hang gliding...
  12. KrisP

    Well, tomorrow's the big day...

    So glad to hear you're home, you'll be up and about in no time! I remember when my mother had her gall bladder removed, she was so happy to feel better. krisp
  13. KrisP

    Looking for a picture

    Vicki can't get on to the forum right now so here are a few pictures she just sent to me: He's 15 years old now. If any of you would like to contact Vicki just send me a PM and I'll give you her email address. krisp
  14. KrisP

    Looking for a picture

    He belongs to Vicki at Texan Star Ranch, I've told her that your looking for pics, she'll be here soon krisp
  15. KrisP

    American Idol Fans!

    All set here, hey Jody pass me one of those drinks krisp
  16. KrisP

    fun in the snow

    How cute! And I LOVE your colts head and his color! It's so hard to get a good bold sorrel in the minis, his color is just gorgeous! Can I ask what his breeding is? krisp
  17. KrisP

    Is 20,000 a little steep

    In the mini world that is a pretty high price for the average person, but with a purchase like that I'd want to be able to make sure I had mares worthy of him and that I had an advertising budget to keep his name out there. The purchase price is just the beginning of continuing the breeding...
  18. KrisP

    Unique Humor

    :risa_suelos: :risa_suelos: : SILLY
  19. KrisP

    Who's going to the Breeders winter classic sale?

    If anyone is going to the breeders classic sale and could be so kind as to take the time to take a few pictures for me I'd really appreciate it, you can PM me to let me know There are a few of my boy Dominators daughters and grand daughters that are going to be sold and I'd LOVE pictures for...
  20. KrisP

    My Mom passed away

    I'm so sorry for the sudden loss of your mother, what a horrible blow to you at such a young age. I'm glad that you had the Holidays together and that she was with you at the time. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss and pain. krisp