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  1. KrisP

    Funny Foaling Story - Here's One

    Several years ago I had my mare Folly in the barn aisle due to foal any minute, I was camped out with her. I went to feed with her tagging along and begging for her breakfast. Put her bowl down and watched, she ate but was dancing with her back feet as if to say "not yet, not yet!!" checked...
  2. KrisP

    Maybe I just shouldn't say anything...

    I'm not sure where the information for the red vulva came from either BUT it has been a good indicator for me the last few years on the majority of my mares. We also have a been foaling for many years now and EVERY mare is an individual and there are SO MANY different signs, some show all of...
  3. KrisP

    If it all hit the fan

    1) Home/property and all costs associated with it, mortgage (if applicable) HELOC (if applicable) taxes, insurance. 2) vehicle insurance, gete pulled over without it here you're toast. 3) food for us/feed for animals 4) electric/gas 5) then all other expenses. Please NOTE though, the VET...
  4. KrisP

    Not all animals make good mommies either!

    Not only is milk replacer very expensive what are you going to do with her long term? Since she's a twin she's probably sterile so can't be used for breeding, really the only thing farmers do with calves like this is raise them to eat (thats what we do) Do you really want a pet cow long term...
  5. KrisP

    Looky, looky, at whos a famous mini!

    Earlier this week I went with a friend to do a petting zoo for the kids at the vocational school for farm day at the preschool they have. The friend (old boss) has palomino QH's and we hadn't talked in AGES, she brought up having been emailed a pic of Dove and how adorable she was. Had to...
  6. KrisP

    What's wrong with SILVER???

    I mistyped above, I actually have 3 mares that I know carry it, a silver dapple, a silver buckskin and a sorrel that I wouldn't have guessed carried the silver just looking at her (I feel you CAN see hints of it in some sorrels) the sorrel mare produced a silver dapple filly in the past out of...
  7. KrisP

    What's wrong with SILVER???

    Ok, first the definition of silver white that I've always heard is a silver dapple that has gone gray, often they gray out VERY fast. So if your stallion is a silver white he carries both the silver gene and the graying gene. The MAIN reason for not breeding silver to silver is the possiblity...
  8. KrisP

    American Idol..

    Ok first laughing, Hosscrazy you're right on Chris looking and sounding like Michael Stype in his early years, and you got the RIGHT spelling on the name too :aktion033: :lol: He's actually a relative of mine, distant but that look is pretty much a family look, I've recently been in touch...
  9. KrisP

    Not counting your horses...

    Land and books here too, I LOVE to read and we both collect, mine fiction, horse, mystical, and many others, husbands railroad and manuals, railroad, machinery, etc. I also love my breyers but only collect the minis now, just no time or money for any others at this time. krisp
  10. KrisP

    Wet mare not doing well

    I'd have the vet check her teeth to see if there is a problem. Also I don't know if you can get a product similiar to calf manna but thats something that I've used to give a bit of a boost to thin mares that are nursing. krisp
  11. KrisP

    Pregnant mare question

    OMG, sorry but chuckling here, that poor girl, if she's not pregnant she's posessed! Makes me feel much better about my mare thats 9 months and HUGE to me! If I were you I'd be watching this girl closely. krisp
  12. KrisP

    Color Results are in...

    Without agouti added in then you would get black or smoky black when bred to black, black or smoky black also when bred to a sorrel. You would get a smoky black or smoky creme when bred to another smoky black or palomino. A smoky creme is two creme genes on a black, it's basically similiar to...
  13. KrisP

    Bad News

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your colt, I'm glad you could save the mare. Yes, breeding is NOT for the faint hearted, I've seriously pondered getting out of it off and on for years. My mares are all due in June this year and my nerves are already shot. Far from an expert, but it sounds like...
  14. KrisP

    Veggie gardens

    Still to early to put anything out here in Ohio, we had snow on the ground Weds morning :new_shocked: I took over a bigger section of the front field for the year, Scotts gonna be helping this time! We're goin all out, corn, beans, cow peas, tomatos, beets, carrots, zuccini, summer squash...
  15. KrisP

    Just curious... A Dwarf testing question

    Ok, since this has gone off in other directions first I want to agree with Kay that more education should be done on the locking patellas, this is so sad to see passed on. But also ASD (please don't ask me to spell it out right now, it's been a tough week here) Which effects the eyes of...
  16. KrisP

    First mini foal of the year

    Dang that girls nice!!!!!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: I've REALLY got to get another mare out there to visit Magic! Tell her that her brothers and sister here say howdy! krisp
  17. KrisP

    Outrageous, fun, different and totally cool horse names

    My background is actually in QH's and I do love some of the names, I worked with some Sweet Talkin Chip offspring, my old boss has a Rugged Lark son thats palomino named Wish Upon A Lark (I like that one :bgrin ) Then there was the Snazzy Story son a friend had named Snazzmatazz, and some of...
  18. KrisP

    Caitie has her own website!

    Jenn you are so meant to be a mom, the site is just wonderful! I just know though that being your daughter her first word is going to be NO :bgrin krisp
  19. KrisP

    Outrageous, fun, different and totally cool horse names

    I was at a QH show one time and the judges were talking about foals they had, one had a colt out of a line with Flick and Boogie in the background, he was SERIOUSLY talking about naming his colt Flick A Boogie, that further than I'd go. :new_shocked: krisp
  20. KrisP

    Just curious... A Dwarf testing question

    Thank you for posting on this John (and for posting the question Lisa) I was taught this theory several years ago by a breeder that I greatly respect and have put it to test in regards to visual inspection on each individual horse for several years and seen interesting results. We had one...