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  1. KrisP

    Horses trained by the Amish..

    The Amish are people just like we're people, there are good and there are bad. They call us The English, so saying "trained by the Amish" would be just like their saying "trained by the English". That said, I'm right in the heart of Amish country and know several families, two in particular...
  2. KrisP


    Here you go, we buy all our supplies here, Horse Health/PBS PBS/Horse Health
  3. KrisP

    Ready to travel

    Pssssst, hey Laura lets hook your mom up with mine! Moms still working and I never know where she'll be next, she's 72 and a pilot for a local cattle rancher, they take off at a moments notice half the time and they head to Alabama, TX, VA, Ny, you name it she's there, and OHHH would your mom...
  4. KrisP

    Dels Cowboy

    Hiya Christine, You know he's one of my all time favorites We have three Dels Cowboy daughters here, a palomino pinto, a silver buckskin roan (yes really, lol :new_shocked: ) and a light silver bay pinto. We also have two grandsons, a silver bay roan and of course my guy Funky in my avatar...
  5. KrisP

    Dog Pack trouble

    Oh Tony I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how you feel, as it is this makes me physically ill, I'm so sorry for your loss and this senseless tragedy. I would also suggest poisoning the meat you're using as bait for these dogs. I really hope you can find at least some of the owners and hold them...
  6. KrisP

    If you hit and kill a deer on the road

    I have to say that although I don't like to see things die and don't like suffering I'd also be crying for my vehicle if it happened to me! What a lot of people don't realize is that deer are a health risk to livestock, they can carry ticks/lyme disease, leptosporosis and many other nasty...
  7. KrisP

    HUGE, HUGE HUGE news

    See, I behaved and kept my mouth shut! :bgrin :bgrin Not an easy thing for me to do, lolol!! Congrats again! AND AGAIN! :aktion033: :aktion033: Still betting a boy, anyone want to place odds on it? :bgrin krisp
  8. KrisP

    things happen when they should

    I understand what you're saying James, and sometimes even if you don't understand it at the moment when you look back you see that it WAS for a reason, whatever it is/was. I've had things happen in the past that completely turned my life upside down, but now looking back they helped shape me...
  9. KrisP

    Color question

    I have a few that I call silver sorrels but I know that they carry the silver due to foals they throw (sorrel mare bred to a black produced a silver dapple, etc.) That said I also have a few that I know carry silver and if you look closely there are signs such as rather than black hooves...
  10. KrisP

    Miniature Horse Party!

    Great pics! Looks like everyone had a wonderful time! BUT BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! :new_shocked: krisp
  11. KrisP

    Friend needs help

    If it were me I'd just take a bucket in, turn it upside down and sit on it with treats, their curiosity always gets the better of them krisp
  12. KrisP

    Komokos Teenie Jeanie-what were her accomplishments?

    I have to laugh every time I come across that picture, I actually took that a few years ago when Scott and I visited Little Kings farm, the little mare behind her in that pic is Johnstons Little Bo Cream, BOBS dam. They were happily enjoying retirement. Such TINY little ladies and they KNEW...
  13. KrisP

    My maiden.............

    Awww congrats! Look at that color! And I love maidens reactions to babies! Last year hubby and I watched in amazement when our mean, pushy, bossy mare did a complete 180 in personality the moment she saw her baby, the look of love that came into her eyes and that mama nicker just melted our...
  14. KrisP

    What Are The "DUMB" Horse Things You've Done

    My absoulute DUMBEST was as a kid, I had a little 1/2 QH 1/2 arab and we used to race through the corn fields with our stirrups out letting the rows of corn go under our legs :new_shocked: I know STUPID KIDS! But one time we came to a low spot in the field where the corn didn't take, just a...
  15. KrisP


    If it weren't Buckeroo it would've been another horse, yes he is a cornerstone in the breed and the combination of a good horse, good advertising and good management has built the dynasty that his get are today. Now if there were no Buckeroo there would only be a slight change in my breeding...
  16. KrisP

    Do you ever get the "oh you cant be serious" look

    I've said anything from "what do you do with your dogs?" to "Isn't it neat that there's something for everyone, the world would be a really boring place if we all liked the same thing" :bgrin And a dear, dear friend of ours would ALWAYS tease me every time I he saw me, he'd say "hey, there's...
  17. KrisP

    I'm goin' home!

    Sometimes going home is the best medicine. I left our local area at 18, it was to small a town for that age, mom found out EVERYTHING going on. After 10 years of getting it out of my system and being ready to settle down Scott and I came here and haven't regretted it at all, we'd do it again...
  18. KrisP

    4 Horses killed in Isanti County, MN by bored Teens

    You know about a year and a half ago we had something not as bad happen that so ticked me off. I'm about a mile from town but back a lane, the NEXT farm down the road had someone go INTO thier horse barn, take brooms and open their doors and BEAT THEIR HORSES to chase them out into the pasture...
  19. KrisP

    When a mare is bred and the baby moves

    I had a very refined maiden mare that wasn't supposed to be bred : Not long before she delivered I noticed for the very first time she was a bit plumper than I thought she should be, brought her into the barn and within days Dexter was born :aktion033: I was just out feeling for her baby...
  20. KrisP

    You know it's going to be one of those days

    When you run your dogs outside and take a moment to look at the sunrise, only to look down and see your dog peeing on your boot! :new_shocked: :new_shocked: BAD ABNER!!! BAD ABNER!! My day can only get better after that! LOL krisp