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  1. Ms THE

    Anyone watch the Sopranos finale?!?!?

    Wow, not how I thought it would end :
  2. Ms THE

    Pictures of the Pit Bull Puppies

    They are SOOO cute! Remonds me of when my boys were puppies. I love how all three have white tipped tails. :bgrin
  3. Ms THE

    Bad Week :(

    I feel for you, when I was a junior i high school (many years ago), I broke my collar bone in soccer practice, 2 days before our league championship game. I could not play, I had to sit on the bench. When I was 21, I dislocated my shoulder (a horse flipped over a jump with me) 2 weeks before...
  4. Ms THE

    Keystone show

    Congrats Lynn, Remmington was a little wound today LOL, but not bad for his first time off the farm. I really like him, VERY pretty colt! Poor Bruce was so hot today, well everyone was, the air was very still and HOT in the arena. Overall it was a very nice show as usual today. :aktion033:
  5. Ms THE

    New Mini Auction in PA?

    I think it runs June 16 and is at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. It runs against the Garden State show so we won't be able to make it. I think Ronnie Clifton is the auctioneer.
  6. Ms THE

    Mini auction this wkend in New Holland PA- Anyone?

    I think it has been moved to the following weekend, do you mean the Greencastle sale, or is there one actually at New Holland? Greencastle is the 19th.
  7. Ms THE

    WE had a foal and these colors are getting me!!

    Sorry, the link is
  8. Ms THE

    WE had a foal and these colors are getting me!!

    I have a daughter by your stallion also who is a silver buckskin pinto (she is out of a silver bay pinto mare that is actually registered as a sorrel pinto mare). She was born a pretty dark buckskin pinto and shed out darker, then when she got her winter coat she looked white. She now looks...
  9. Ms THE

    Maiden bagging up a little not due for 2 mos

    I had a maiden mare foal yesterday that had been bagged up since the last week of Feb. I thought maybe she had cought on her first heat when she bagged up that early. Her bag was full, but I could not express any milk from her right up until she foaled. She foaled at 326 days (a healthy black...
  10. Ms THE

    sick mare

    I don't have any ideas Linda, but good luck, you and Becky are in my thoughts. Is she bred this year? They didn't have any ideas last time she was sick?
  11. Ms THE

    Who has a miniature pot bellied pig?

    We had a male that looked like your white male, same size too. We have one female who is 12 or 13 this year. She is about 90lbs (which is pretty smalle compared to most). When she was younger she had a litter which she tried to kill. We hand raised them, but were only able to raise 2 out of...
  12. Ms THE

    Anyone on mare stare that uses a wireless camera

    I got mine from AV Tech Solutions, it is color and wireless. This year I am having trouble with a poor picture, but I do have dial up. It appears much clearer on my TV than computer. It has night vision, so appears black and white at night. Right now we are having a sleet/ice/snow storm and...
  13. Ms THE

    Maiden gestations?

    I have a maiden that I am watching right now. She is at 305 days today and has a pretty good bag going. I think she will foal within a week or so. Her mother was one that tends to go closer to 300days. I have another maiden that is 289 days and does not have any bag. I also have 2...
  14. Ms THE

    GOT GELDINGS??????????

    Sadly I lost one of my geldings yesterday to a freak accident :no: But I have 4 others: LM Legends Hucklberrii Creation (National top ten out of a Nighthawk daughter) LM Hawks Sundance Kid (National top ten Nighthawk son) Little Secrets Private Ryan (National top ten Cross Country Private...
  15. Ms THE

    Suggestions for low starch grain please,

    McCauley's makes a low starch feed called Allem I believe. I can check on the spellings to make sure that is right. I don't know if that is available in your area or not. I know Nutrena Safechoice is suppoed to be low starch, but I don't think it is as low as you need it. Good luck, that is...
  16. Ms THE

    Avoid this eBay seller

    I had a guy leave negative feedback for me when I sold him a car. The car was held up in customs for a LONG time, how is that my fault? Another vehicle we put on the (a towtruck) was listed 4 times and we still have the truck. The reserve was met but all 4 copped out on the truck(none had...
  17. Ms THE

    Need some personal advise

    Does your BIL not have a job? I would not let him on my computer and I would not lend him anything. Stand up for your family, take your sister out and try to talk to her. I know what you are going through, from both sides of my family. My brother jsut started dating a girl in July, we really...
  18. Ms THE

    Oh my.. Something just blew up.

    I am glad to hear everyone is OK. When I was a teenager, I was coming home one night (I lived about 5 miles out of town), I noticed what I thought was a barn on fire. My friends were following me home and we decided to jump in one truck and go see what was on fire. We kept driving and driving...
  19. Ms THE

    I hate pet stores!

    I think I love puppies more than anyone in the world! That said I have 5 dogs, all spayed or nuetered. It absolutely breaks my heart to go into the pet stores. I will not buy anything from a pet store that sells puppies. On our way home from Nationals last year we were getting fuel somewhere...
  20. Ms THE

    A Story for All to read! IMPORTANT !! LONG

    Oh Donna, I am so sorry for you and Buster. You two and your mares will be in my prayer : At least you cought it before any more losses and are prepared for it now. Please keep us updated.