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  1. Ms THE

    Remember my post on my big

    I remember when I did the hunters, coming to the barn (at a show) one morning and a pony stabled next to us had foaled. The braider came in to rebraid it for the second day of the division and there was a little foal in the stall. Both mom and baby were fine. Noone knew the mare was bred...
  2. Ms THE

    My Big Announcement!!

    Yes Steph, that is us. I am glad to hear he is doing well, he is going to be a VERY nice colt when he fills out (I like him already as you know). Are you going to Nationals? If so we will have to visit with you. :
  3. Ms THE

    My Big Announcement!!

    That is to funny, you were our neighbor :bgrin . Hows your fussy eater doing?
  4. Ms THE

    My Big Announcement!!

    Congrats :aktion033: Were you at Area 1 by chance?
  5. Ms THE

    Mare mounting others

    I have heard that it is hormonal and usually happens when a mare is carrying a colt. Now I believe that it is an old wives tale, but every mare that I know of that has done it has foaled a colt : I have a maiden mare (bred for early 07) that has been mounting my other bred mares and herding...
  6. Ms THE

    Tips for getting white horses white...

    I had a grey Jr hunter when I did the hunters and he was a piggy in his stall : We used to use the LaFrance bluing powder for laundry. I haven't been able to locate it lately, so I started using Whisk. Just the plain old regular Whisk laundry detergant. It works great on my white horses...
  7. Ms THE

    Area 1 Results

    I had a pretty good show, lots of very nice horses in the halter classes. I was however VERY disappointed by one well known persons unsportsman like behavior when one of my horses beat their horse in a model class. They made a very RUDE statement about my horse in the holding area that...
  8. Ms THE

    AMHR Nationals,,,,,,,,,,where are you staying???

    We stay at the RV park on the show grounds. The showers are very nice and clean, though you have to time it right in the AM so you don't have to wait in line. Staying in a stall there isn't bad, but the trailer has AC :bgrin . There are tons of motels within 10 minutes of the show grounds...
  9. Ms THE

    National Area 1 Show in Horseheads NY

    I just called NYDOT and they said 81 and 17 are both totally open now :aktion033:
  10. Ms THE

    National Area 1 Show in Horseheads NY

    I'll be there with Eileen, we are brining 9 : . I still have 1 more to get clipped. We will be there sometime Friday thru Sunday. Hopefully it is nice weather, does anyone know how the roads are after all the flooding last week? I know rt 17 was closed in spots, wondering if it is opened...
  11. Ms THE

    Question on youth qualifying for Nationals

    OK Thanks :bgrin
  12. Ms THE

    Question on youth qualifying for Nationals

    OK, so can it be any class Karen? I knew that was the reasoning behind qualifying youth, but now I'm confused LOL
  13. Ms THE

    Question on youth qualifying for Nationals

    Thank you, so my neice has shown my yearling gelding in color class, that wouldn't count (they usually don't have a jr and sr youth gelding class at the local shows and she shows her sr in youth).
  14. Ms THE

    Question on youth qualifying for Nationals

    I know it was said before that a youth had to qualify the horse they were showing at Nationals. In the prizelist it just states that there is no post entries for the youth classes. It does not state that each youth has to qaulify his or her horse themselves. Does anyone know?
  15. Ms THE

    AMHR National Show Bill

    I just recieved mine today. It is a weird schedule with the stakes classes going Friday and the Liberty over Saturday afternoon :
  16. Ms THE

    AMHR National Show Bill

    July 1st, no show bill in my mailbox LOL. I have shown the last 3 years at Nationals, so I should be on the mailing list. Oh well, hopefully it will be there Monday. :bgrin
  17. Ms THE

    Disapointed in this rescue

    This rescue is not that far from me. I had contacted them last fall about a big horse that was broker owned. I wanted to come see it, but it was very fishy, I couldn't go to the brokers place. They were going to bring it to their farm for me to see. I never ended up going to see it as it was...
  18. Ms THE

    AMHR National Show Bill

    Just wondering if anyone received their show bill today? I know we are supposed to receive them July 1 (tomorrow)
  19. Ms THE

    My last 2 foals of the year....

    Wow Tami, I love : the filly! Sassy said she wants a little Oak Park sister to come live with her :
  20. Ms THE

    Prayers needed again for people along the Delaware River

    It is scary how high the river is. Sadly, but fortunately the owners of the businesses in New Hope (and other areas along the Delaware) know the drill and New Hope was filled with rental trucks loading up all valuables on Wed. My friend owns a home called Devils Half Acre which is up the river...