Mare mounting others

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
New Ross, Indiana
I have a mare that should be pregnant, mounting the other girls. I have never had one do this before. She should be due spring of 2007. What do you think? Hormonal? This will be her first baby.
I have a maiden mare that does this also. Especially after she sees a stallion do it.

It will certainly be interesting to see what other thoughts come from this thread.
I have a mare that is for certain pregnant that was doing this to my mares also. Vet said it was the hormones. donkey jennys do this when they are cycling. I have never had any of my mares do this before. Mine was also herding the mares just like a stallion would do. I am convinced that she is carrying a colt...the vet thinks I'm silly.

The only experience I have had with that is hormones.... cattle (heifers) do it a lot.
I have a maiden mare in foal that is starting to act studdy.
: Silly mares.
I have heard that it is hormonal and usually happens when a mare is carrying a colt. Now I believe that it is an old wives tale, but every mare that I know of that has done it has foaled a colt
: I have a maiden mare (bred for early 07) that has been mounting my other bred mares and herding my geldings away from the mares like a stallion would. I'll let you know next spring if the count still holds :bgrin
I have heard that it is hormonal and usually happens when a mare is carrying a colt. Now I believe that it is an old wives tale, but every mare that I know of that has done it has foaled a colt
: I have a maiden mare (bred for early 07) that has been mounting my other bred mares and herding my geldings away from the mares like a stallion would. I'll let you know next spring if the count still holds :bgrin
Going to break your rules... our mare did this last year for the first time, and she did it again this

year, started about two weeks both times before foaling. Both times she gave me FILLIES... all the

other years she gave 3 colts and did not do this. So I hope she does it again next year and gives me

another Black Leopard filly like this one.


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