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  1. Ms THE

    Please learn from my mistake.......It is a painful one

    I am so sorry for your loss. My friends husband ran over my sister in laws dog a few months ago in our driveway. He came to drop something off and had his young daughter with him. While he was here the dog laid by his tire. He never saw him there. The sad thing is he didn't die right away...
  2. Ms THE

    Lyn-- ANy news on Savannah???

    I was wondering the same thing this morning. I haven't seen her post much in the last week or two, Ihope everything is OK. :
  3. Ms THE

    AMHR Nationals in Tulsa

    I could be wrong (I am probably wrong), maybe it is showmanship that goes Saturday night, all I know is that last year the amateur halter classes started Sunday morning :bgrin
  4. Ms THE

    AMHR Nationals in Tulsa

    Last year amateur started Sunday morning, and the amateur jackpot classes were Sunday night (if I remember correctly) and they finished Monday, then futurity Monday afternoon and evening. Maybe the amateur performance was Saturday night? I know the ammy halter started Sunday morning though.
  5. Ms THE

    AMHR Nationals in Tulsa

    If they are adding a day for youth, wouldn't the ammy stuff still start Sunday?
  6. Ms THE

    Garden State AMHR show June 17

    Just wondering who is going to the Garden State show Saturday in Harmony NJ? It should be a nice show as always. I'll be there with 6 (what am I thinking LOL). :aktion033:
  7. Ms THE


    Check out , it is a site for drafts, which are prone to EPSM. I have a Percheron that I feed a EPSM diet to as a precaution.
  8. Ms THE

    Ashland Ohio

    We were at the Bloomsburg show Saturday too. I think that Bruce looks great, I know he still has some recouping to do, but he definately looks better than at Area 1 and Nationals last year. We had a great show too, my B stallion took all 3 champion of champions (but my 2yr old mare was bad...
  9. Ms THE

    GSMHA show 5/13/06 in new jersey

    I'll be there with 7. It is going to be a busy day. I am taking my new Sr A stallion, a yearling A gelding, a Sr A gelding, a 2yr old A filly, and 2yr old B filly, B colt and B gelding. I was upset to see the weather today that said rain for next weekend But it should still be a fun day...
  10. Ms THE

    AMHR fax fee?

    Yes, if you need it rushed like for a show, they will fax it to you right away.
  11. Ms THE

    I am scared!!!!!!!

    It won't be bad, I put off my wisdom teeth for 2 years. I hate the dentist, but it was nothing. If you get knocked out, you won't even know what happened. They will give you good pain killers for the next day or two. Good luck, it will be less pain that what you are going through with them...
  12. Ms THE

    It's over....

    I just saw yesterday on CBS3 news (Philadelphia) that you can work from home for such plases as the IRS. All you need is a computer with broadband and you can take calls etc. I am going to look into it for extra money (my full time job doesn't pay LOL). It said that you can pick your own...
  13. Ms THE

    Need your help with barn video cam to buy

    I just got one from and I love it. It was $329 with free shipping. It is color and has the infrared vision for night time. Last night was my first time using it and I was amazed how bright the nightime vision was. My barn is pitch black at night (no lights at all) and I...
  14. Ms THE

    Lee Crutchfield Miniature Horse Clinic in Pennsylvania

    I definately plan on attending. Del Val is only 10 minutes from my house. It will be very informative I'm sure! :aktion033:
  15. Ms THE

    Wedding photos!!!

    : : :
  16. Ms THE

    Met Tami & Dennis of OAK PARK MINIS, WI

    Tami,   Sassy is here!!!! I love her, she is awesome. I turned her out in the round pen and she is tearing it up. She is everything I wanted, I can't wait until show season.   thank you!
  17. Ms THE

    Met Tami & Dennis of OAK PARK MINIS, WI

    I haven't met Tami in person, but I am eagerly awaiting my filly that Phyllis is bringing from Tami's. Phyllis just called and she will be here this morning with her. I cannot wait, Tami has been so nice to deal with.
  18. Ms THE

    Bad day today

    I have to agree with Fizzy, they are jealous, or insecure. As far as your mare being old, I just lost my mare in June at 39. Kahlua was my first horse, I got her for my 12th birthday. She was 21 when I got her. Kahlua was the best, I rode her up until I moved out of my parents. She still...
  19. Ms THE

    AMHR Amateur Changes ?

    In the US Equestrian or whatever its is called these days (when I showed it was AHSA) you can be an amateur and hold a judges card.
  20. Ms THE

    Fabulous Christmas Gift idea

    I purchased one right before Nationals. I haven't used it on a horse, but I did use it to wash some chairs that were moldy. It gets really hot, but the pressure isn't great, but it beats cold water LOL. Even with the low pressure, I don't regret buying it. It is rechargable, with either a...