Please learn from my mistake.......It is a painful one

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capall beag

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2005
Reaction score
York Beach, Maine originally from Ireland!
Yesterday morning I reversed my SUV up and although I looked in my rearview mirror I did not check behind my car before I started the engine.

I had my 3 small kids in the car and I reversed up and felt a bump, I assumed it was a toy.When i got out to look much to my horror it was my 14 yr old dog who had been sleeping in the driveway about 20 feet behind my car. She lost consciousness and died almost immediately.

This dog was such a dear, sweet friend to me. I have had her my whole time I have been in America.

Losing her was tragic enough but to loose her in such a way is devastating to me and I know this will haunt me for a very long time.

I feel so deeply saddened.

This horrible accident showed me how in the blink of an eye things can change that can never be reversed.

There are forum members who are going through horrendous tragedies much worse than my own and this has given me increased empathy for their pain but If one person can avoid doing what I did by checking before you move off in your car perhaps this won't be in vain.
Fiona, I am so sorry.
Aww...I know how this feels. We were leaving one year to a New Year's Eve gathering, and it was mid-day. We had a kitty who wasn't feeling well but was on the mend, and we all got in the truck, I had started it and honked the horn like I do if there are any kitties about. Usually this sends them scattering, but apparently B2 thought the warmth from the engine was too much to resist, noise and all.

When we backed out, we ran him over (he had been sitting atop one of the tires). I know it wouldn't have happened had he been feeling better, but to have to watch him in his death throes and know there was nothing I could do haunts ME to this day.

Often we will back the truck in and have it facing out forward for similar reasons.

A "friend" who we've now cut most ties with for other reasons had a bad situation where he backed over a friend's son. It was not his fault, the boy was 18 months old and should NOT have been left outside unattended, but neither should Troy have been driving like a bat out of heck, he didn't even know he'd run over the baby til the police tracked him down as he was the only one who had been at the house. I know it's changed his life and he was not the best person prior, but things could have been a lot different had he taken care to walk around his vehicle and look out his mirrors before backing up.

We have backup sensors on our main vehicle. They give false readings sometimes, but they remind us all to look in our mirrors frequently when the vehicle is in reverse. That and I try to only idle backwards rather than using my gas pedal. Yeah, it takes me forever to back up, but I can't handle the alternatives, esp. in parking lots where sometimes parents let their tots run loose.

I'm so sorry, Fiona, for what has happened...sorry to ramble so long on your thread.


I'm so sorry. My grandpa accideantly ran over one of his cats who was old and had lost his hearing. My grandpa pulled the car into the barn one day and the cat ran out in front of the car and my grandpa didn't see him in time. So it goes forward driving too. So sorry for your loss.
I am soo sorry for your loss. DO NOT blame yourself!

I went through the same thing with my dog, we lost him, fluke accident.

My thoughts are with you ((hugs))
I am so very sorry. I have done that as well and also lost 2 dogs to someone turning around in our drive ( private drive at that). Still pains me to this day. hugs hon
I am so sorry for your loss. My friends husband ran over my sister in laws dog a few months ago in our driveway. He came to drop something off and had his young daughter with him. While he was here the dog laid by his tire. He never saw him there. The sad thing is he didn't die right away, he passed at the vets. My friend really layed into her husband for it (he was devestated already). 3 days later she did the same thing to a beloved cat who was laying under her car. It is such a terrible thing that happens frequently. While I was at the vets with my sister in laws dog another person came in with her dog that her best friend had just run over. Sadly it to passed :no: Again I am sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry...don't blame yourself. Your friend would never want you to feel that way.

You poor thing! I feel so bad for you. :no:

Don't blame yourself, it was an accident!! I'm sorry you have to go through it and I'm sure you miss her terribly...I'm sure that a certain young man up there will help take care of your beloved friend along with his beloved kitten.

I'm so sorry!
: Your sweet friend knows it was an accident. Please forgive yourself, it WAS an accident. {{{{Hugs}}}}
I am SO VERY SORRY for your loss.

It hurts when they have to leave us no matter how...and I firmly believe that everything happens for a be kind to yourself. Remember the great love that she gave you and cherish the memories. She is running free and will be waiting for you at the bridge.

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