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  1. M

    Another "Foaling Signs" Question

    I had my first experience with a mucous plug this year -- and the mare foaled a few hours later!
  2. M

    Wow this foal gave me a scare!

    I love that first photo! How sweet. Congrats on the safe (but rather exciting!) arrival of your pretty little girl!
  3. M

    The filly fairy finally found us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She is simply stunning! Congrats (love her name, too!)
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    First Foal of 2008 for Millstone

    Hey Tony - wow! I think I'm seeing double! They do look a lot alike! We might have to do that Best Matched Pair Class! TO everyone else -- thank you for your very nice compliments on our special little girl. As an only baby (so far!), she is getting quite spoiled and has started demanding...
  5. M

    Filly fairy visited the great white north

    Very pretty filly! Congrats!
  6. M

    First foal of Tiny Acres

    What a cutie she is! SHe looks like a little lamb with her curly hair!
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    Northeast Miniature Horse Club's FANTABULOUS Clinic with Mike McCabe

    Dru- I don't know if you can see me, but I am standing in front of my house waving my arms enthusiastically in your general direction to say "ME, ME, ME!!!!" in response to your question about taking driving lessons. There is no one in my area who teaches driving and I need help!!! As for...
  8. M

    Goopy eye

    How old is your horse? The goopy eye could be caused by tooth eruptions. It could also be a clogged tear duct. Either way, it would be best to have a vet check it out.
  9. M

    First Foal of 2008 for Millstone

    We are very happy to announce the arrival of our first baby of the season -- A little girl we're really crazy about! She arrived on March 21st and is such a sweetie! Meet Gidget: She is sired by our bay pinto stallion What a Follys Casanova, out of one of our Boogerman daughters...
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    Northeast Miniature Horse Club's FANTABULOUS Clinic with Mike McCabe

    I know I have posted on the Forum about the Northeast Miniature Horse Club's upcoming clinic on April 12th and 13th -- the one starring the one and only Mike McCabe.... I'll post the general info on the clinic below. What I wanted to let drivers know is that we have a late scratch and have one...
  11. M

    Solitude IGR for fly control

    The rep from Pfizer told me that you feed the same amount regardless of the size/weight of the horse. It says the same thing on their website. Since it isn't "digested" you don't have to worry about over-dosing it.
  12. M

    We are on a roll....

    Congrats on a gorgeous little girl!
  13. M

    Solitude IGR for fly control

    I used Solitude last year and had great results. NO FLIES - not even those nasty green horse or deer flies! Solitude is different from some of the other products (like the block that was mentioned and other products that are dispensed by weight) in that you feed a set amount regardless of the...
  14. M

    2nd Foal for Mtn Spring Minis!!

    Adorable!!! That second pic needs a caption!
  15. M

    Reminder -- Great Clinic on April 12th & 13th

    Everyone has worked very hard to make this a great, informative and fun clinic. I just want to thank a few people who went above and beyond on behalf of the club: Dru Crowell coordinated all aspects of the driving portion of the clinic. Val and Ray Carroll did a great job coordinating the...
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    Our first for the year!

    VERY handsome boy!!! Congrats!
  17. M

    Overdue Mares !!

    401 days!!!!!!
  18. M

    Reminder -- Great Clinic on April 12th & 13th

    Tell that mare that you really need her to get busy! Tell that mare to get busy!!!
  19. M

    Premie filly in critical condition

    RObin- That's the greatest place on earth. If anyone can save her, it's the vets at NBC!