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  1. NewToMini's

    'Saddle' bags for Miniature Horses??

    I have tied plastic bags to the surcingle to pick up trash off the side of the road, but for going for longer walks and carrying lunch and supplies, I think I'd prefer something a little easier on the eyes XD I think I could make one myself, but it would be easier to just buy one online...
  2. NewToMini's

    'Saddle' bags for Miniature Horses??

    Are there 'saddle' bags for Miniature Horses? I'd like something I could clip onto her surcingle to carry things in during our walks, and I'm not sure how to search for that, or if it even exists...
  3. NewToMini's

    overseeding feild in spring

    There are some horse people down the road that might have some baling twine laying around, I reckon I could ask them. I'm planning on using a homemade harrow to go over the ground to break up the manure before I seed it. My mare isn't trained to pull it yet, though, and I haven't had a lot of...
  4. NewToMini's

    overseeding feild in spring

    So... I was trying to section off the field with baling twine, and I don't have enough twine. I was really liking it until I realized I didn't have enough twine to finish Guess I'll have to wait until next week and see how much electric braid costs, and see if I can afford to do it that way...
  5. NewToMini's

    Putting weight on rescue minis

    Here's the chart.
  6. NewToMini's

    Putting weight on rescue minis

    Aw, sad to see them so thin You can take their girth measurements once a week or so, to keep track of their weight and make sure they're gaining. I'll upload a chart that tells you how much a Mini weighs according to it's girth measurement.
  7. NewToMini's

    new farrier

    I'm by no means an expert, but it looks like Lass's toes are still long. Crystal's hoof doesn't look right, but I can't figure out why... I'm sure the more experienced people here will be more help XD
  8. NewToMini's

    Putting weight on rescue minis

    If you have a photobucket account, you can upload them there, and then copy and paste the link to here, but I'm not entirely sure how
  9. NewToMini's

    Putting weight on rescue minis

    Ok, go to the bottom and click full version, then go to more reply options. You can load pictures from there.
  10. NewToMini's

    Putting weight on rescue minis

    Are you on a phone or a computer?
  11. NewToMini's

    Putting weight on rescue minis

    When I got my minis last year, my mare was underweight, and I was given the advice (from some people here) to start her on senior feed. Along with the senior feed (safechoice brand), she got free choice grass hay, and I gradually increased her turnout time. In a couple of months, she looked...
  12. NewToMini's

    controlling mud

    The runoff goes to the sides of the barn, and the muddy spot is at the front corner. So some runoff could be moving into the muddy spot. The barn is pretty worn down, though, I don't know if we could attach gutters XD Thinking about building a shedrow type barn that I could close into stalls...
  13. NewToMini's

    controlling mud

    It's in a flat spot on the side of a hill, but the rest of the front of the barn isn't nearly as muddy. It's just extra muddy there from all the traffic and nearly constant rains in the spring and fall. The rest of the ground gets really soggy and squishy, too (and even the driveway last year)...
  14. NewToMini's

    overseeding feild in spring

    I'm thinking about putting some grass seed on part of my field where the grass doesn't grow really well (lots of clay, but grass can grow). My plan is to close that part off until the grass has a chance to grow, and then let the horses on it for limited amounts of time until next year. There is...
  15. NewToMini's

    controlling mud

    I have an area in front of the barn that gets really muddy. It's an area about 4x4 feet, and the mud gets several inches deep. The Minis hate walking in it, but they have to go through it to get in and out of the barn. I need ideas to help get rid of the mud. Last spring, I put a carpet section...
  16. NewToMini's


    She's not quite 31" tall
  17. NewToMini's

    hay cubes (with questionaire)

    My two minis are both under 32 inches, the big horse is the one that eats all the hay XD Last spring when I first got the minis and was transitioning them onto pasture, they got 2 flakes of hay per day (to share) and wouldn't even finish that much, lol. I think I've got about 1200 pounds of...
  18. NewToMini's

    hay cubes (with questionaire)

    Our bales are about 50 pounds each.
  19. NewToMini's

    those with training to drive

    Make it more comfortable for him to listen than it is for him not to. Use a whip, and as much force as is necessary (but as little force as possible). Give him a hard smack on the rump with it if that's what it takes, he will soon learn that if he listens to a voice command, he won't be made...
  20. NewToMini's

    hay cubes (with questionaire)

    Oh, ok. Never looked to see what brand they were, but that's probably what they are. Thanks for teaching me something new!