those with training to drive

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Active Member
Jan 30, 2016
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i have been line driving a mini for about a week when he is done he stops and doesnt want to move no matter what so my goal is to stop before he does . tonite we worked thirty minutes so i figured we would go with 20 minutes but over all he did great

my question is... the plan is for my daughter to drive him in 4h he only likes to walk and not trot how can i get him to willingly move forward and trot? i have to same prob with showmanshship.


I would actually just put him in the round pen or at the very least put him on a lounge line and get his feet moving that way. It sounds like you are going to have to go in with a lounge whip and put pressure on him until he at least goes into a fast trot or better yet a canter.
Make it more comfortable for him to listen than it is for him not to. Use a whip, and as much force as is necessary (but as little force as possible). Give him a hard smack on the rump with it if that's what it takes, he will soon learn that if he listens to a voice command, he won't be made uncomfortable with the whip.
I agree with the round pen work. Get your horse listening to cues, faster, slower etc. My mini is very lazy too and we are working on this. But he is young too

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