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  1. L


    : : :aktion033: :aktion033: Thats just tooo the second one....
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    Clipped on of my 06 colts

    : : :new_shocked: :new_shocked: WOW !!! He's beautiful!! Love his color...Keep us posted on how he does...
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    Molly Rose

    :no: I'm so sorry you lost Molly...This heat sure does complicate things..again I'm so sorry..It's been in the 100's here and I have been watching mine ..I put the sprinkler on them....{{{{HUGS}}} to you
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    Almost 1 month old

    : Love at first sight!! He's awsume Sharon!! I'll try to see him this weekend...... : : I agree Jinx is awsome !!
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    Rhett Butler Father's updated health

    :aktion033: Glad for the good news...thanks for the update..prayers still coming...
  6. L

    I found something, Michael left me a

    : Awww Marty what a wonderful gift for all of hear Michael's laughter and joy...something to treasure forever....I think of you all often...God Bless you.... Pat
  7. L

    Visions of death, you won't believe it

    : Oh Marty ,I'm so glad Michael and you had your special time together,I guess God knew there were things that needed to be said..and a lot love to be given....I too believe you ,I have never met you ,but knowing you through the forum I know you are an honest and truthful person....yes there is...
  8. L


    :no: I'm so sorry for your loss..But I would still want to know where the body is...just for my peace of mind
  9. L

    Tragic news at Seven Acres

    :no: How awful!!! sending prayers for the family.....
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    sick boy

    I know what you mean going crazy when your baby is sick....sending prayers and good thoughts your way...hope things will get better...
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    First for all

    : : Hey Sharon..He's so much more handsome in person!! such a cutie..I still say you should have brought him over to see his Auntie Pat today.......what a doll.......give Pixie a big hug and a kiss for baby.... : :
  12. L

    We lost the mare

    :no: I'm so sorry minimule...give that baby a big hug from me....
  13. L


    Thanks so much for the update..My heart goes out to Jerry,Marty and Dan..It really is tough one everyone...Such a beautiful boy,..
  14. L


    Hi Tiffanie,Thank you so much for the update,we needed that.I am so glad Marty is going to turn her grief into something positive for Michael...please let her know everyone is here for her and we miss her funny stories...I personaly don't know Marty but I have come to love her and her...
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    Oh please let her know that the ones like me that have never met her are grieving with her.I too have come to know her whole family through this forum..I love to hear the funny little stories she has about the things her family and horses do....My heart is breaking for her whole family...
  16. L

    Just talk to Marty too

    Thanks for the update on Marty and her family...we all need to keep them close to heart in days to come...they will always be in my lose my mother was awful but to lose a child I don't think I could handle....
  17. L

    Rock a bye baby

    : AWWWWW : so sweet ..great picture..I bet she's a keeper...
  18. L


    what a wonderful idea...I will be lighting a candel here in memory of him and saying a lot of prayers for Jerry,Marty and Dan...We will all be there in sprit....
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    New Foal - Hubby saved the day

    I love it ..Edsel...sooo cute..great job Dad!!!
  20. L

    Somebody murdered my son Michael tonite

    OMG !!! Oh Marty,I don't know what to say.... I am sooo sorry .My heart is breaking for you I am crying with all will be in my prayers.....