sick boy

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Vicky Texas

Well-Known Member
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Southlake Texas
Hey Gang

My baby Gabriel who is a 3 year old stallion. Is really sick, going to Vet this afternoon

with him. He had a strange thing yesterday, but I thought he was really scared.

I was moving him from one stall to another. He ran passed me, into a mare's stall.

He really got upset, his head was shaking bad, like he could not control it. I grab him

and pulled him into me, till he calmed down. He was fine after that. I decided with the

storms here, to give him some banamine to calm him down. Glad I did.

Today I am out tossing hay out to them, and he is standing the corner of his stall,

won't move. I went in and still won't move. He could move, just did not want to.

I took his temp., it was 105.7. Wow, way to high. I ran to get my mom, called the

Vet, said to give him Banamine. And then to hose him down slowly. So we did this.

He is resting his in stall, laying down, but rolled up. He is eating hay, now he is up.

I have him in the foaling barn under the camera. I am going to keep checking his


No running nose, no coughing, does not look swollen in the glands, just seems to have

a temp. Any suggestions to what this could be? No one else has it, Thank goodness.

Please say some prayers for him, Gabriel, he is my baby.

Thanks Vicky
Gosh, I hate to venture a guess on this one. So glad you are going to the vet, could be a number of things.

Please let us know how he is doing. Good luck
Thanks Frankie,

Yes, we are going to the Vet this afternoon. I just took his temp again, and

its holding now at 102.1. Which is better then the 105.7. But still no clue what

is causing this. Also taking our other stallion, who is having troubles with one

ear, is really sore and red. He goes nuts if you touch it, I am doctoring it and

he was doing better, but the AM, he was back bad. So he is going to.

Just can't figure out what is wrong with Gabriel. He sure hates shots. Wow,

can the boy kick.. and bite. He got me good, he let me know he is really mad,

but sure glad to see even though he is so sick, he still got his fire in him. He

is usually a good boy to me. He is a Mom's (me) baby, I bottle raised this one.

So hoping the Vet can find out what's wrong. Our normal Vet is on vacation,

but he is seeing one of the other owners in the clinic. So please keep praying

Thanks Vicky

will update when we get home

Gabriel at Christmas, sorry he is bit over weight, but this is my Baby, the one

who has my heart, he and Princesa are the ones who stole my heart. I love all

of our horses, but this is Gabriel.

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Poor little guy...I hope the vet knows just what to do for him and that he is back to feeling better soon. He sure is a cutie.
I'm sorry to hear that your baby is sick. I hope the vet can discern what is wrong and help him to get back to 100% health soon.
Getting ready to leave for Vet, Gabriel's temp is 101.02 right now. But he is laying down

a lot today. I know he just does not feel good. But when I go out he gets right

up and start's trying to kick me. I just don't get what is wrong with him. He is nibbling

on hay. Did eat his grain last night. NO one else is sick. He does get up and stand some,

and does have a fan on him with a hay bed. He is drinking water. Will eat hand full of

grass, when given.

So will post when we get back. Just please help me pray for him. Please.

Will be waiting to hear from you when you get back with Gabriel. Glad you are taking the other one too.

Hope the Vet will have the answers and both are feeling better soon. I have no idea what it could be from your descriptions. Good luck.

Joyce L
Yes waiting to hear about little Gabriel. Do be sure to post and let us know. Good luck!

Thank You guys for all the prayers. I hope you will keep them in your prayers

a bit longer. Mistique was the stallion with the ear problems, turns out it is fly's.

Causing him much infection in his left ear. I keep him fly sprayed and under a fan or

out in a paddoct with trees. But he is very painful. So they gave me some med's for him.

Will have to post again on them, I am not close to them right now.

My baby Gabriel, well it turns out he has a sinus infection in nasal cavity over his nose,

his hole head is swollen. He is shedding his baby teeth, and getting his permant teeth

and the Vet says it is causing him a bad infection. So he is on Banamine 1 cc twice a day

for pain, and some other med's. I will have to post them in a minute. My poor baby, the

Vet felt his teeth is causing him pain, and all this infection. The infection caused the high

fever. His gut sounds were good, all else check out okay. They did not do blood work though?

I will keep a watch on him, and make sure he is getting better, or back we will go. They

are really good Vets, and take much time with you, answering questions and all. So praying

the med's do the work and he gets better. He is so my baby, and it just scares me when he

get sick. I do worry to about all of them, but I get so crazy when its Gabriel. So please help me

to keep praying for both of my boys, my babies. Mistique is such a wonderful gentleman

horse, he was so good at the Vet. Gabriel was a handful, and gave them a run for their money.

Thanks Vicky
Your guys will continue to be in my prayers.. Hopefully the med's will kick in and he will start feeling better soon.... Kinda know what he is going threw, I have sinus infestions all the time, and my teeth do hurt with them.. Give them a hug from me
Thanks Jodie and Everyone else for helping me to pray, it means so much

to me. You will never know how much it means.

The med's for poor Mistique, is Otomax, I put some in his ear, and rub it in.

poor Gabriel, is Pen/Dex/Chlor

& Penicillin, I mix these in one shot, once a day.

1 cc banamine twice a day.

and while we were there, we discovered Gabriel had cut his upper lip, not

bad, but its cut. I knew something was wrong there, but he would not let me

near it, so I had to wait till we reached the Vet and then I got help to hold him

and we look at it. Had the Vet check it as well. So for that he got Animax to put

on it 2 times a day. But it was thank goodness not a deep cut.

He said Gabriel is breathing a lot out of his mouth, cause his sinus is so infected.

And when we got there we could he was swelling. I had the Vet also check his gut

sounds, were fine, check his glands to make sure no Strangles. Fine. The only thing

he could find was his head was swollen, and he is shedding teeth.

I will be keeping a close eye on him tonight. He did eat his grain, drink water, wet,

and just laid down to rest.

So please help me to pray for him.

Thanks So Much

I know what you mean going crazy when your baby is sick....sending prayers and good thoughts your way...hope things will get better...
You certainly did the right thing by having both horses seen by the vet. Running a (relatively high) temp is often(though not in EVERY case, in my experience)a sign of some sort of infection going on-but since antibiotics should be used with discrimination, one should ALWAYS have a competent veterinarian's direction on when/if/how to use them!

I have to add that I would NOT use banamine as a 'calmative' for a horse("to calm him down")-that is not it's purpose. Though a very useful medication, banamine can have serious side effects and should be used ONLY when the VET says it's needed....Since the horse turned out to have an infection, the initial banamine might well have helped by relieving discomfort--but I would strongly caution owners not to be too quick to 'jump to' the use of banamine, especially if it is without first at least discussing the horse's symptoms and situation with your vet. Frankly, I am often surprised at how many people seem to have banamine on hand, AND at how some presume its use, right off the bat....not aiming to be personally critical in this particular instance, but making an observation based on a LOT of years of experience.

Glad to hear the horses in question are being treated under the vet's direction, and are doing better!

Hi Margo

You are correct on the banamine, only being used when a Vet says it should be.

I discussed this with the Vet's office. He did not have the temp. But we all felt

it was the best to do, with him being that upset. I had also told him Gabriel was

shedding some teeth. We all felt with him being that upset, it was best to get him

to settle down. I did stay up most of the night watching him very closely and again

last night. I am keeping him under the foaling camera.

I discussed it with the Vet yesterday while we were there. He felt the ordeal

on Wed. was part of the pain level from his teeth. I am watching him very closely,

he is always stalled in the foaling barn. I have a really hard time if I can't check on

him at night. He is just so specail.

Today's update on Gabriel is much better. His last temp check at 10 AM was 99.7.

He is drinking, eating, and going to the bathroom. I gave him his shots, which was so

not easy. Then took him for a walk and let him graze. He is taking a nap right now.

Thanks for the information on the Banamine. Fever still holding down.

And a major thanks for the continue prayers


I also want to add the reason we keep banamine on hand is because we are over

an hour from our Vet's office. Yes, there are Vets closer, but they do not know how to

treat minis or they don't care to. Most in our area are only small animals and won't even

treat horses. So we found this incredible Vets office, through a truly wonderful friend,

and we make the drive to them. They are so worth the drive. So for a emergency, we

keep it on hand and use till we can get them to the Vet's office.
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You certainly did the right thing by having both horses seen by the vet. Running a (relatively high) temp is often(though not in EVERY case, in my experience)a sign of some sort of infection going on-but since antibiotics should be used with discrimination, one should ALWAYS have a competent veterinarian's direction on when/if/how to use them!

I have to add that I would NOT use banamine as a 'calmative' for a horse("to calm him down")-that is not it's purpose. Though a very useful medication, banamine can have serious side effects and should be used ONLY when the VET says it's needed....Since the horse turned out to have an infection, the initial banamine might well have helped by relieving discomfort--but I would strongly caution owners not to be too quick to 'jump to' the use of banamine, especially if it is without first at least discussing the horse's symptoms and situation with your vet. Frankly, I am often surprised at how many people seem to have banamine on hand, AND at how some presume its use, right off the bat....not aiming to be personally critical in this particular instance, but making an observation based on a LOT of years of experience.

Glad to hear the horses in question are being treated under the vet's direction, and are doing better!



Many of us keep Banamine in their horsey medicine cabinet for emergencies because a vet can't get to us within an hour when there's an emergency. I do agree that before administering it, one should call their vet, IF the vet can be reached!

Many vets don't release Banamine to a client unless they feel the person is competant in their horse management.

Yep Ma,

We are an hour from our Vet, if in an emergency of something, he can tell me how much to

give, and it will help us till we can reach him. In an emergency, we could be 1 to 1 1/2 hours

to get to him, time you call, wait for him to call back, hoping he is not on emergency, then load

up and drive. So it so helps us. Plus if we are traveling on the road with horses, I want a bottle,

what if you get out and there is no Vet, and your horse colic's, or gets hurt, or starts a fever,

you can at least start with banamine till you can find a Vet. Its like with all med's you got to know

what you are doing, what and when to give, know how much to give.

But there are times when you got to have it. Like yesterday, we could not get to the Vet's office

till 5. The Vet does farm calls 12 till 4 or 4:30, but my Dad had our truck with him at work. I

had to reach him and get him home which was an hour drive home for him. And then make

the hour drive to the Vet's office. It was after 5 before we got there, it was good to have the

banamine on hand, have the Vet to tell me how much to give, and get his temp down, and

not have him standing with 105.7 fever all day. With the shot, the Vet told me how much give,

I gave it, and in 30 minutes his temp was down to 102. So it help.

I will always have Banamine in Vet box.


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