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  1. L

    Update on Bute toxcity end of day 12

    keeping her in my thoughts and prayers
  2. L

    Lost my best friend on the weekend

    OMG !! I am so sorry for your loss..I would have never thought that could have happened..thank you so much for posting..maybe you can keep someone else from losing a loved one....
  3. L

    Floating on air............

    : : He can float over to my house anytime!!
  4. L

    pictures..Velvet at 4 months

    : : beautiful just beautiful!!
  5. L

    Frankie won!!!!

    :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :aktion033: :aktion033: congrat son your win!!
  6. L

    Lost One

    so sorry for your loss of Sweet's so hard when one is lost...may she run free with her angel babies.... : :
  7. L

    2 new foals

    :aktion033: SOOOOOO !!! CUTE!!! love the colors!!
  8. L

    Angel foal

    : I'm so sorry for your loss,...sending hugs for all of you and the mare too...what a wonderful idea ,planting an Apple Tree .. :
  9. L

    I'm Going to Have to Say Goodbye

    I agree with the others..I pick up manure every morning after I get my 5 babies eating...I work nites and beleive me picking up poop is not what I want to do first thing in the morning,but it does keep the smell and flies down...I would try some of these sugestions first before I gave up my...
  10. L

    Berry Fairy Arrived

    :no: I'm so sorry for your loss..It's so heart breaking to read post where little ones go see the angels...HUGS to you and BISTY BOO BOO.... : : sending prayer for the next baby....
  11. L

    Thank you's and updated

    :no: I am so sorry for you loss of Hershey,and the attack on your other baby...I can't imagine how it feels to know it's your own pet that has done something like that...I have 2 large dog that I raised with my horses since they were 2 weeks old...they are the protectors of my horses..we have so...
  12. L


    I'm so sorry for your loss....I'm so glad you brought him home so he would be in a place where he new he was loved so much...again I'm so sorry for you both...
  13. L

    How far from a reliable Vet

    I'm 15 miles either way {east or west} and 30 minets south .... and they all are reliable...
  14. L

    I am so excited!!!!!

    :aktion033: :aktion033: WOW!! Karin Thats great...I see why she placed so high... :new_shocked: She's beautiful!!! Congrats!!
  15. L

    Snake bites and minis

    It was several years ago,but we had a big Quarter Horse get snake bite{on the nose} when we found him he was already swollen ,his tounge was hanging out and was swollen turning blue ,we took him to the vet and he tubed him through the nose..he sure was swollen but he made it through it...good...
  16. L

    prayers needed

    glad to hear thing are better!! sending good thoughts and lots of prayers your way!!! : :
  17. L

    Weaning Q?

    A wise lady told me to wean by the I seperated scooter and mama with the same fence line ..I never had a problem.. he paid no attention to her..I seperated them with a temporary stall in the barn at I said no problem..I even had him Gelded by the almanac and that went...
  18. L

    First foal for Rockin Robin Miniatures

    :aktion033: :aktion033: : : SOOOOO CUTE!!! Just love those babies!!
  19. L

    Scooter is going to the vet.....

    Those are good questions...I hope we get an answer!!!..I wonder too about blood and drainage..
  20. L

    Scooter is going to the vet.....

    Thanks for the advice..I will put him in a paddock..I am doing this by the almanac..I hope it goes well...thanks again!!