Weaning Q?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Lone Star State!
I know this is a bit early, but I was wondering how other breeders routinley wean their babies? The subject has come up on another group I'm on with a QH filly and the owner is gonna separate mom and baby with panel between the two. He's been ridiculed saying that mom needs to be completly hauled off the property. I can't for the life of me think that anyone would have that much land to be able to haul their mares off the prop each fall, I may be wrong though. Anyways it got me to thinking just how everyone else weans their babies?
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Just our experience, we let foals stay on mom as long as they would like, and with our herd, ( only 7 minis ) we have been lucky and have them sold by 4 to 6 months, the stress I find leaving is enough without stressing them before hand.

They do start getting fed in their own stall around 2 months morning and night, than let them back out with mom and the mares. We don't have the area to keep them seperate.

Seperated even for 2 months, still can bring mares milk back. Again we experienced that.

We bought a mare with foal by her side, and she weaned her about 6 months.

Mother nature sometimes helps things run more smoothly.

Just our way of doing things here.
I do it similar to barnbum, I start off only weaning them when they are spending a lot of time away from mum and I try to do two together (if thats not possible Sundance, my senior stallion "babysits" them
) I start off letting them be with mum at night, rotating mares and foals in paddock and stables. The start off having milk morning and evening then down to once a day.....I remember what weaning was like when I weaned my son, cold turkey is painful!!! When the udders are nice and soft I reduce the time spent sucking then just keep them seperate putting mares back with the herd. Its pain free for all concerned, just the way I like it!!
I weaned Timmy the way I weaned all my quarter horse foals.

Timmy was used to being away from mama very early on periodically because I worked with him several times a day alone so he was almost prepared for weaning when the time came.

One day at turn out time instead of putting mother Holly and baby a Timmy both out together, I split them up in fields that were side by side, closed the gates and that was the end of it. They were able to see eachother and talk through the fence but no more nursing. There was no running and pacing and yelling and screaming. Holly was with her friends and Timmy of course already picked out Merry Beth as his best friend so they were together. No drama, nothing traumatic.

When it was time to come inside the barn, Timmy went in a stall right next to Holly where they could still see eachother and touch noses and talk. After about 2 weeks or so, I then moved Timmy down the end of the barn so he no longer be in a stall thata would be "that close" to Holly anymore and be able to get his mind off of her. He loves being in a stall inbetween his daddy and best friend, Merry Beth.

I increase the Hay for Holly but decreased her grain and her milk dried up quickly.

I know some people will allow their mare and foal to re-join about once a day or so, but my feelings are that when it's over, it's over and I want it over and this way worked well for me before and it still does.
A wise lady told me to wean by the almanac..so I seperated scooter and mama with the same fence line ..I never had a problem.. he paid no attention to her..I seperated them with a temporary stall in the barn at night...like I said no problem..I even had him Gelded by the almanac and that went great too...

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