I weaned Timmy the way I weaned all my quarter horse foals.
Timmy was used to being away from mama very early on periodically because I worked with him several times a day alone so he was almost prepared for weaning when the time came.
One day at turn out time instead of putting mother Holly and baby a Timmy both out together, I split them up in fields that were side by side, closed the gates and that was the end of it. They were able to see eachother and talk through the fence but no more nursing. There was no running and pacing and yelling and screaming. Holly was with her friends and Timmy of course already picked out Merry Beth as his best friend so they were together. No drama, nothing traumatic.
When it was time to come inside the barn, Timmy went in a stall right next to Holly where they could still see eachother and touch noses and talk. After about 2 weeks or so, I then moved Timmy down the end of the barn so he no longer be in a stall thata would be "that close" to Holly anymore and be able to get his mind off of her. He loves being in a stall inbetween his daddy and best friend, Merry Beth.
I increase the Hay for Holly but decreased her grain and her milk dried up quickly.
I know some people will allow their mare and foal to re-join about once a day or so, but my feelings are that when it's over, it's over and I want it over and this way worked well for me before and it still does.