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  1. picasso

    FFF Entertainer's Salute to the Troops

    He is really cute, Arlene.
  2. picasso

    Help for REO

    REO-I know EXACTLY how you feel with the electric being so close. Last year we were out for 11 days, but the bad part was everyone around us, even on our road had electric back on except our house, our barn and one other neighbor. Finally, on Saturday we were at the barn trying to get water...
  3. picasso

    Show Halters, Halters and Blankets mini tack

    We use Star Lake Tack alot.
  4. picasso

    Second foal of the season....

    Absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations
  5. picasso

    The Journal is coming, The Journal is coming!!!!!!

    Oh, I'm so jealous now. I am so anxious to get ours. I was happy just to know it was on the way!!! Gives me hope that show season will soon be here being able to look at this issue.
  6. picasso

    The Journal is coming, The Journal is coming!!!!!!

    I had a couple extra copies of the Journal ordered, so when I got home this afternoon there was a message from Nancy in the office. She wanted to make sure I still wanted the extra copies. She said they had gotten the Journal in the office TODAY!!!! It's making headway toward us all that are...
  7. picasso

    Oklahoma Ice Storm

    He looks so cozy there. All the good things in life a blanket and a nice warm fire!!!
  8. picasso

    Question for crabby chicken/all you wonderful artists!

    Your picture looks very nice seashells. Is there any way you can post it bigger? Yes, come on Kay don't ignore all the requests. I would love to see some of your work also.
  9. picasso

    Stolen Mini Donkeys

    Oh, I am so happy those babies are back home safe and sound.
  10. picasso

    Omega Horseshine

    We use the Omega Horseshine. Ours get about 1/3 cup a day. But they are B sized or Shetalands. We get ours at Tractor Supply.
  11. picasso

    Show Awards

    Yeah, we were at that show of Lennie's. He gave a piece of glass ware away in every class. He had LOTS of different things. We had gotten one of just about everything, but I wanted a flower so bad I couldn't stand it. My husband finally won a Stakes driving class and I just knew I was going...
  12. picasso

    All this talk of world show...

    We'll be going to AMHR Nationals this year. Only have one AMHA horse left. We won't be able to attend Congress like we have been doing. Just can't see two trips to Ok that close together. Really hate that because we really enjoy them both, but it will be Nationals for us.
  13. picasso

    Bloodlines for High Knee Action

    Here is one of my CLR boys. This is CLRs Crusin. He is a 3 year old in this picture. Nationals 2009. The other one we own hasn't been shown yet. Drew McDannald started his driving training. John Rimmer had him in training last summer.
  14. picasso

    Bloodlines for High Knee Action

    Yeah, shame on me for not mentioning the CLR horses. They are AWESOME. I actually own two of them. One of which hasn't been shown yet. The other one CLRs Cruisin went National Grand Champion Pleasure Driving horse this year at Nationals. He is only a 3 year old. And on top of all the...
  15. picasso

    Bloodlines for High Knee Action

    You might look at some of the Michigan horses. Taylor Pony Farm. They have a sale every Spring where they sell a lot of horses. Especially the Hartbreaker line. I bought a yearling filly last year of his that I hope to have be my driving horse next year. Heartbreaker is now hardshipped in...
  16. picasso

    Stolen Mini Donkeys

    That is HORRIBLE. I certainly hope you find these babies. I have one miniature Donkey (Reggie) that I would just die if something happened to.
  17. picasso

    HOF plaques

    The answer I got was they run the program early enough before Covention to get the plaques made to be handed out at Convention. Then they run it again, I think they said in January, to get the ones that finished their HOF after Convention. Then the plaques are mailed out to those people.
  18. picasso

    We're All Moved In

    WOW, WOW , WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your new barn. It is wonderful.
  19. picasso

    VERY belated introduction

    Very beautiful mare. Congratulations. And congrats on the foal she is carrying.