Oklahoma Ice Storm

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Apr 20, 2005
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Southwest Oklahoma
I figured everyone was tired of seeing devastated trees and broken utility poles. I tried uploading a photo on dialup so you can see how Buddy is surviving the ice storm. His favorite spot is on the Pendleton blanket in front of the wood stove. Thank goodness for the stove and generator! It is supposed to get above freezing on Monday, so maybe we can begin to see the end of the ice.

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ahhh, how cute. I had so much so at my back door here in Mo I had to clear a path for them to go potty. No one would STEP out the door and do their business, they just looked at me like I was crazy. Nlow my lab ventures out into it but at first he was NO WAY....... My 5 lb doxie was buried in it up to her nose so I got out the old shovel and started shoveling and they came out and watched, THEN they ventured out. YEA, gotta come watch mom work. Got the path clear and everyone went potty. I STILL have snow up the ying yang. Be glad when it's all gone and it's suppose to snow MORE next week. Take care and be careful. Your doggy looks nice and comfy. TJ
He looks so cozy there. All the good things in life a blanket and a nice warm fire!!!

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