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  1. picasso


    Thursday's guess------115
  2. picasso


    Wednesday's guess is 5
  3. picasso

    New addition at Mini h

    Do we see Liberty and driving in her future?? Very pretty
  4. picasso

    Tell me about Oktoberfest!!!!

    I have not been to Oktoberfest, BUT have been to other events at Little Kings. It is a trip well worth making. The biggest thing is how friendly and accomodating the people are. They are WONDERFUL. Second is how beautiful their farm is. It's unbelievable to stand and look out across the...
  5. picasso

    I just wanted to share..

    Congratulations Desiree. Can't wait to see pictures. Hope it was a safe, uneventful trip!!!!
  6. picasso

    Guess who...

    How cute!!! That is a WONDERFUL picture. Lucky you REO to have this of your boy. So neat
  7. picasso

    Vote No to Open Jumper Proposal

    Not sure about Golden Age for the jumping, but in driving there were two golden age classes: one is 55 to 64 the other is 65 and over.
  8. picasso

    I have a question about backing in cart?

    I show AMHR and have always been told to back 4 steps. Also, I have to disagree about not much weight by the judge on the backing. I suppose that depends on the judge, BUT I know for a fact that last year at Nationals my horse went from 1st to 8th under one judge because he hopped when he...
  9. picasso

    Our weanling filly went RESERVE CHAMPION

    Congratulations Lori, she is really adorable!!!!! Donna
  10. picasso

    AMHR Nationals

    Yvonne, that is super that you are getting to come to Nationals. Look forward to seeing you again. We will more than likely be in the Expedition barn. Be sure to look us up.
  11. picasso

    Journal June/July issue???

    Took how many months to get the April/May issue??? But it sure didn't take them long to call about billing my credit card when it did come out. They had left a message on the phone while I was out of town, so it was a few days before I could call them back. Well, they called and left another...
  12. picasso

    New pics of Imp

    Very cute. I like the last picture. Looks like Mom is really trying to keep him in line. LOL LOL
  13. picasso

    Horse clothing at Nationals

    Take it ALL!!!!!!!!! The first year I went I only took sheets and slinkies. Yes, I had to buy heavy blankets for all the horses that we took.
  14. picasso

    The part I love best about owning Minis

    They are sooooooooooooo precious Lori!!!!!!
  15. picasso

    Triple A Amateur Awards

    I have gotten the sweatshirts and they were really nice.
  16. picasso

    roll call

    I will be there on Wednesday afternoon to show on Thursday. I'll only have one driving horse with me. Would love to meet some people from the forum.
  17. picasso

    My Last Post, Sorry to say goodbye to my Horsey Family

    Sorry to see you leave the forum. I have always enjoyed reading your posts and about your horses. I will try to send you a FB request or you can send me one. Donna Phillips My picture is of my family all dressed in burgundy shirts at Nationals. Good luck to you
  18. picasso

    The Journal

    So let's see if I have this right-we are waiting on this issue because of waiting for the WEG decision to be made. So that implies to me that they have been considering pulling out of it for a while now. Soooooo why were the people that have been getting shots, testing, etc done to horses that...
  19. picasso

    The Journal

    That's ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!! What does that decision have to do with getting our Journal out on schedule??? The things that have gone on with the WEG are bad enough, but now to make The Journal this late is just unacceptable.
  20. picasso

    Called about Journal

    I was just thinking that I will have to think hard before I spend more of my hard earned money to advertise in a magazine that I never know when will be out!!