Taylor Jo

I never minded sharing on here cause I think of you guy's as my family and we have likes/horses etc. However......I can't put that out there anymore and I'm so very sad. I trusted you guy's, but on an open forum there are those you can't trust and I should have realized that months ago. My heart is heavy and is breaking. If you have FB I'll be on there for friends only. You can also contact me through wpsellwood she knows how to get in touch with me.
Want to thank each and everyone of you for your post and all that I've learned and to all those I've helped. May you keep learning and keep asking ?'s you never know unless you ask the question. I love you all and I will show up as a guest every now and then and read the post so I can still learn. You have helped me through sick horses, me being neurotic, me being stupid, me being ignorant, and getting through my husbands death. I don't know what I would have done without you. Thank you.
God Bless you all, TJ, Oreo, Dakota, Sonny, Knight, Nikki, Polly, Vixen and Honey
And Sammy, Ritter, Gunther, Winky, Maddy and Sam the barn cat.
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