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  1. picasso

    Quick AMHA Reg. question

    I have sent pictures before with work and had AMHR send the pictures back to me saying they didn't need them since there were already pictures on their papers.
  2. picasso

    We had a colt!

    Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy!!!! He's really cute.
  3. picasso

    Update!! Sophie had a FILLY!! Pics Added!

    Congratulations, I got to see this one born. Colt or filly ????????
  4. picasso

    Stall Curtains

    We have the ones from Schneider's. They are really nice. I took the valances and had our farm name embroidered on them. They are really good quality.
  5. picasso

    All Star letters

    No certificates here either. Have been looking in the mail everyday for them!!!!!
  6. picasso

    Visiting the USA for the first time

    AMHR Nationals is in Tulsa, Oklahoma September 9-19th. Sounds like a wonderful trip you are going to have. AMHR also has a list of shows on their website
  7. picasso

    Big Announcement for Devon and I

    OHHHH pretty pretty!!!!!
  8. picasso

    I.K.I. Miniature Horse Show

    Yes, it is a great arena to drive in. We'll be there with Cruisin to let him try it out!!!! Can't wait.
  9. picasso

    Triple K Miniatures foaling now...

    OMG, she is absolutely beautiful. So sorry to hear of your loss of the foal and mare. Had read this last night and was hoping for a better outcome. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this terrible time.
  10. picasso

    Lilliput Acres Perfectly Gold

    So sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful mare. I can tell she was really loved while she was here.
  11. picasso

    Kewpie's Rango Of Arenosa

    So sorry, but it sounds like Rango was much loved. RIP Rango
  12. picasso

    Laube Speed Feed question.

    Yes, I knew they made ones that cut closer, but I thought they were a 50 not a 60. I just got mine at Nationals and didn't get any of the closer blades for it, but some friends told me about them.
  13. picasso

    Do you need to be a member to show

    I think you are thinking right. My son's girlfriend shows our horses and they have gotten the points.
  14. picasso

    Laube Speed Feed question.

    A friend told me about the blades that cut closer when I got mine. They said each blade has the same number of settings. So you just have to remember or write on your clippers with a marker what the settings are for the closer set of blades. Does that make sense? I know what I'm trying to...
  15. picasso

    Goat milk vs. foal formula as long-term milk replacer for young foal

    I can't tell you anything for sure, but we had a foal born earlier this year that Mom had no milk. We started tube feeding her Foal Lac powder. The vets told me that if the mare's milk didn't come in within a few days we should start looking for a goat that would let her nurse. So I would...
  16. picasso

    I.K.I. Miniature Horse Show

    Really fun show to get the show season started off on the right foot! Looking forward to attending again this year.
  17. picasso

    Ophthalmic appointment

    Never been to an equine one, but our dog goes to one. I really like her. Wishing you luck.
  18. picasso

    Show Results

    Congratulations on your placings!!! They look very good.
  19. picasso

    Semi's baby Amber Idol left for Boot Camp yesterday

    Oh, she is so very pretty. Love her little face. Here's hoping for a wonderful show season for you and her. Sounds like your baby is in good hands.
  20. picasso

    Ok, now that I can see it...

    We are getting ready to hook our camera up to Marestare. I spoke with Heather yesterday. And yes she was very nice and helpful. I am one of the "Computer Dummies". So I told her she better be ready. She assured me it was no problem and everything would get done. I am going today to get the...