Laube Speed Feed question.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I got some for my birthday a couple weeks ago. And it has been HARD not to do some serious clipping with them. They are really fun!

My question is.... the clipper itself says the blades will adjust up to 40. BUT I want to get the surgical blade that goes all the way to 60. If the clipper goes to 40 and the blade cuts down to 60, how does that work? Thanks for helping me.
A friend told me about the blades that cut closer when I got mine. They said each blade has the same number of settings. So you just have to remember or write on your clippers with a marker what the settings are for the closer set of blades. Does that make sense? I know what I'm trying to say, but I don't think it's coming out very good when I type it. LOL
So if you get a blade that say goes from 30 to 60, the highest setting would cut at 60 instead of 40. Is that right?? I didn't know you could get closer blades.
Yes, I knew they made ones that cut closer, but I thought they were a 50 not a 60. I just got mine at Nationals and didn't get any of the closer blades for it, but some friends told me about them.

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