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  1. gatorbait4sure

    Miniopoly AND Carl Mitz's phone #

    Thank you to everyone who contacted me with Carl's phone #. I'll call him today. NOW I really need to find two Miniopoly games for my rainey day 4-H club meetings! dru
  2. gatorbait4sure

    Miniopoly AND Carl Mitz's phone #

    Who has the stockpile currently of the Miniopoly Game? I have tried e-mailing Carl Mitz THREE times w/o an luck, and although I don't wish to bother him, I NEED to talk to him ASAP about another 4-H project, so I can have it brought home from Worlds.......Does anyone have his number? You can...
  3. gatorbait4sure

    Trailer issues

    I'd LOVE to design the perfect Mini trailer for driving people! I currently have an X-Tall X-Wide BP with dressing room.....It fits 5 horses as a slant and no carts inside..BUT I can take along three horses and two carts inside if I pack carefully....I can also fit my huge standing fan if...
  4. gatorbait4sure

    safety when driving alone

    There are small pouches that fit on a rider's lower leg that are made for holding cell phones. On a rider they sit right above or at the top of the boot....I've seen them somewhere and will have to google for them now.....I don't see why one wouldn't fit in a shaft as well. Yee-HAW!
  5. gatorbait4sure

    Squeaky easy entry carts

    I've hasd three EE Carts and both the Frontiers made so much noise they ruined my trail drives......I also had a no name one that was quieter but they stopped making them.....sigh......Nothing is perfect EXCEPT for my Hyper Bike!!!!!!!!!
  6. gatorbait4sure

    Eye color question

    Jill, His closest relative that is a palomino is his paternal great grandsire, No others. His dam is a dapply Gray as is HER dam. The dam's sire is soild Chestnut.I cannot look up the foals breeding as they are from R mares.... We may never know......
  7. gatorbait4sure

    Eye color question

    I'll ask if they can take a pic of his eyes, but everyone is packing up for Regionals so it couldn't be until afterward. They REALLY match his coat color! His sire is a solid sorrel, and his dam is dapple gray. He himself is producing both palominos and palomino pintos. And he is a solid!
  8. gatorbait4sure

    Eye color question

    I have a friend who owns a stallion who has RED eyes! Chestnut red. It is very pretty, as his eyes match his coat, and very unusual. I have never seen it before. Does anyone know how this would happen and if it is related to dilute genetics? I'm going now to check on the colors of his sire...
  9. gatorbait4sure

    Breeders from Lousianna or thereabouts

    Thanks Parmela! I love them too! I'll check to see if they're available, thank you! dru
  10. gatorbait4sure

    stallion attacking child

    I too own multiple stallions and do not fully trust any of them ( although i'd love to ) ....but I am trying to piece the things that are happening together...and look for reasons for his behaviour. But until he "tells" us what is going on we may never know..... 1. He was majorly sick...
  11. gatorbait4sure

    Breeders from Lousianna or thereabouts

    Does anyone know of any Mini people from Lousianna or that area who might be coming up to our Eastern Regionals? OR going to Worlds in Texas ( my absolute favorite place to be with my horses) I have some questions for them..... dru happily sitting here in the A/C....
  12. gatorbait4sure

    Awful Heat-Any tricks for keeping horses cool and happy

    Remember that if you leave water on your horse it keeps them heated...Rinse them down and then squeegie them. A damp horse will be cooler than a soaking wet one!
  13. gatorbait4sure

    Sherry Crowe

    Can someone PRIVATELY em me with Sherry Crowe's cell #? All my EM's to her are getting kicked back. Dru [email protected]
  14. gatorbait4sure


    Nathan, I'm not bitter at all......Just updating the info and adding my opinion, along with questions.... My opinion of the ASPCA isn't good though. dru
  15. gatorbait4sure


    A friend just dropped off the copy of the "latest" Einstein book, written by his owners, Charlie Cantrell and Dr. Rachel Wagner, and published by DISNEY-Hyperion. It is written as a children's book about Einstein looking for a friend........ It is titled " A Friend For Einstein, The Smallest...
  16. gatorbait4sure


    Just to confuse you a bit more, MY Tovero Stallion has TWO blue eyes! ....and his full brother is solid black, and a World Grand Champion.......
  17. gatorbait4sure

    Lead Training

    I think I found what I was looking for.....thank you all! Boinky, I cannot find where you posted!
  18. gatorbait4sure

    Lead Training

    I have seen, in catalogs, a rope type of training aid that helps teach foals to lead, but cannot find it now when I could use one. They have a lead that lays around the foals haunches and gives them that extra incentive to move forward. I know the ones I saw were for big horse foals not minis...
  19. gatorbait4sure

    Do You Think EINSTEIN Is A Dwarf?

    My understanding is that these people have an agent, a book deal and are working ( or have been working )with Disney on a movie. And Yes, I think he has dwarf characteristics. What I'd like to know is how tall is he as a yearling.......I'll bet he measures as just a small mini. My Prince...