Just another reason why the term "overo" is so very pointless.
Any pattern except Tobiano or Sabino can give blue eyes, but neither Splash nor Frame will necessarily give blue eyes, so you can get a Frame/Splash/ Tobiano without blue eyes, no problem, and a Tobiano/Splash without any face white but with blue eyes, no problem.
If you just defined a horse by it's visual or proven patterns it would be a lot, lot simpler!
After all, since there is no test for Sabino or Splash, all your visual "tovero" means is that you guess it is a combination of these patterns- nothing else.
The first colt is Tobiano + Splash- the nose snip is a dead giveaway, the second colt could just be Tobiano and ditto the third colt- nothing really in either of those two to scream the addition of Splash or Sabino, although of course if you even smell the possibility of Frame, TEST!!!