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  1. R

    Discussion of Amateur Thread

    The idea of having a place for Beginners is valid and good. They should be encouraged to get out there and try. But, having the Registry be the 'sponsor' of these type of classes, doesn 't really make sense to me. I don't think that it should be the responsibility of the Registries to provide...
  2. R

    World show question

    I don't really know the answers, but I'll bump this back up so others can comment, and I'll give a guess on some of them. 1. Vet measuring... probably just a conicidence. It isn't required to be a vet, they aren't any more qualified to measure than someone else. There is a correct way to...
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    Discussion of Amateur Thread

    OK, I guess I'm not totally following the logic on the classes that you picked for a 'Beginner' category and the reasoning behind them. How can you say that Hunter, Jumper, and Obstacles are based on the handler's 'skill' and therefore don't need a 'Beginner' division, but somehow Showmanship...
  4. R

    Buying a small farm tractor

    First off, I think you need to have a clear idea of what you want to do with the tractor so you know how many horsepower it needs to be and what kind of 'features' it has to have such as external hydraulics, pto, or a three-point hitch. What size of a mower do you want to use? Will you want a...
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    The 2008 American AMHA/AMHR Youth & Amateur National Show

    I have some questions: 1. Do they have a proposed class list yet? 2. Will they be separating the AMHA horses from the AMHR horses, or will they show together in the same classes (with possibly a separation based on size only, not based on registry)? 3. If they plan to separate them, and judge...
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    Blue Roan

    A horse of any color can have the roan gene in addition to any other color or pattern genes. It is a separate gene from Appaloosa and any of the Pinto genes. The term Blue Roan is used for a black horse that also has the 'roan' gene. Physically, the horse will have a black head/face, mane...
  7. R

    Foaling Tonight? Not sure, my first

    Keep watching, she sounds close. Someone else posted just a littel while ago about their mare having faster breathing, and asked if it could be an early sign of labor. Within a few hours the mare foaled! Your mare could foal very soon, or she may just be uncomfortable with the position of the...
  8. R

    Who's the smallest foal

    This is my smallest baby. I only half-heartedly tried to measure her one time and got her at about 15 inches, at the withers, but she may have been smaller. She is mature now, at about 27".
  9. R

    Driving bridle vs. halter

    A driving bridle without blinders or an overcheck/sidecheck is just a regualr bridle. You should be able to buy a 'riding' bridle to use. If you want to continue to use the overcheck/sidecheck, you could take the sidepieces off of a riding bridle and put them with the crownpiece of the driving...
  10. R

    References on selling

    I prefer to let the buyer take the horse with them, IF I am already comfortable with selling to them on payments, and I have checked out their references. However, I would want proof of insurance, with me as the beneficiary though if the horse was very valuable. I would want references. I...
  11. R

    no balding/razoring allowed??

    I think what most of the people object to about this PROPOSED rule change is that it would be taking away their 'options' in preparing their horse for a show. They are acting like this would be the ONLY thing that is restricting their options... IT ISN'T!!! Miniatures are meant to be shown as...
  12. R

    Splashed Overo Question

    To get a loud Splash pattern, the horse has to be homozygous for the Splash gene. The Splash pinto gene is different from the Tbiano pinto gene, in that Tobiano is a true 'dominant' gene, whereas Splash is an 'incomplete dominant'. This is a quote from the Equine Color site, "Splash has been...
  13. R

    Calling all Colors...Calling all Colors!!

    I think that some people get overwhelmed and think they will never understand horse colors because they see so many different ‘colors’. They don’t realize that many of the ‘colors’ listed are not distinct genetic colors, but subjective attempts to describe the various ‘shades’ of the ‘basic’...
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    Because she is over 34" tall, she would not be eligible for AMHA hardship registration. AMHR registers mini up to 38" tall, but they no longer accept hardship registration for horses of unknown parentage. To register her AMHR, she would have to have two registered parents, either AMHR, AMHA...
  15. R

    Country or Western Country?

    Lisa, I don't know about the R shows in your area, but here I have not seen the Amatuer division offered in all of those classes. I don't have a show premium in front of me, so don't remember exactly, but I think it is the obstacle classes that don't offer the Amatuer classes, and the obstacle...
  16. R

    Country or Western Country?

    I show primarily AMHA, yes. However, I am an AMHR member, and I may show at their shows one of these days. But, for now I only show AMHA because their shows offer me more classes. I don't show in any of the 'pleasure' driving classes, either country pleasure or pleasure (not 'open'...
  17. R

    AMHA Changed their Color Policy!

    Yeah, adding pinto, appaloosa, or pintaloosa puts a squeeze on a three letter abbreviation! Its hard enough to get all the 'colors' described in three letters, and then to add the white pattern designation too, makes it really tough. But, we would have the same problem with the current 'D'...
  18. R

    Country or Western Country?

    I am not a 'fan' of any 'western pleasure' or 'stock type' driving classes. I don't honestly think a breed registry is doing itself any favors by adding this as another class. We already have FOUR types of driving classes! Park, Single, Country, and Roadster. Primarly, though there are three...
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    AMHA Changed their Color Policy!

    Mona, check my post on the previous page, I suggest using 'Z', which is the genetic symbol they use for Silver.
  20. R

    AMHA Changed their Color Policy!

    OK, I'm trying to get this straight... AMHA does accept Silver Bay, BUT in their studbook, it is being called 'Dapple Bay' and the color code for it is DBA. They are recognizing Silver, but using the genetically inaccuarate term 'Dapple' instead of the correct genetic term, Silver. So, that...